This repo contains a package for the Sublime Text editor that allows you to control several key Intel XDK activities from within the Sublime Text editor, including:
Starting your app in the Emulate tab.
Updating your app for use with the Test tab and App Preview.
Starting and stopping your app on an attached device with the Debug tab.
Launching and starting memory and CPU profiling on the Profile tab.
All of these actions can be activated directly from within your Sublime Text edit window using either keyboard shortcuts or a special Intel XDK menu from within the editor.
Extract the “XDK” folder into your Sublime Text plugin folder and restart Sublime Text. Follow this link to download a ZIP file of the plugin.
The Sublime Text 3 plugins folders are usually located in the following places:
"%AppData%\Sublime Text 3\Packages"
Mac OS X:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
If you are using Sublime Text 2 you should be able to replace the 3
in each
location (above) with a 2
to find the Sublime Text plugin folder on your
Most of the features of this plugin require that the Intel XDK is running on the same system as your Sublime Text editor, and that you are logged into the Intel XDK.
If you wish to report a bug, please include any log messages from Sublime Text in your bug report and post your issue on the Intel XDK forum. To view log messages you can open the Sublime Text console using Ctrl+` or View -> Show Console. The last 10 lines are generally enough.
Under construction… more to be provided.