1. Decompress the IPA file and copy inside the application container (at the same level as the binary) the FridaGadget.dylib file:
$ cd Payload/Test.app/
$ curl -O https://build.frida.re/frida/ios/lib/FridaGadget.dylib
note: It is necessary to specify the strip-codesign option to ensure the re-signing process works fine later on.
optool, or insert_dylib
$ insert_dylib --strip-codesig --inplace @executable_path/FridaGadget.dylib Payload/Test.app/Test
$ optool install -c load -p "@executable_path/FridaGadget.dylib" -t Payload/Test.app/Test
recommend :
$ ios-deploy -d --no-wifi --noinstall -b Payload/Test.app/Test
$ ...
$ frida-ps -Uai
PID Name Identifier
--- ------ ---------------
719 Gadget re.frida.Gadget
issue: kabiroberai/theos-jailed#46