This is the semester course project for the course CIS4930. Feel free to look at the report folder for more explanation and demos.
To execute PPA2 application:
- Have Docker installed
- Download project source folder
- In commandline, cd to the src root folder 'SWTestingTeam3', type
docker build .
- then
docker run -i [IMAGE ID]
To execute PPA4 application:
- Have Docker installed
- Download project source folder
- In commandline, cd to the src root folder 'SWTestingTeam3\frontend', type
docker build .
- then
docker run -i [IMAGE ID]
NOTE: Please make sure to downlod the .env file (from the canvas submission) and add that to the src root folder at 'SWTestingTeam3\frontend'. Also, after downloading the file, please make sure that the '.' is still in front of the env in the file name (should look like '.env').
To execute PP1 application:
- Have Vagrant installed
- Download project source folder (specifically
, and thePP1program
program) - In commandline, type
vagrant up
- then
vagrant ssh
- Once in the VM, cd to
- then type
java PP1program
- To exit, type
Link to deployed Google App Engine:
Link to deployed Google App Engine:
To log in as the admin user, use email: [email protected]
and password: adminadmin
Please note: We do not guanatee that the deployed links will stay live or function 100% after the completion of the course