MovieBank is an app that you can explore and evaluate more than 28,000 movies. This app is developed with Ionic 4.
- See top rated movies
- See popular movies
- See upcoming movies
- See movie's detail
- Rate movie
- Add Movie to watch list
- Search for movies.
- Search movies by genres
- Share movie
You'll need a few things before we get started. Make sure you have nodejs installed, if you not. You should install Nodejs.
Then run the following command to install Ionic, if you don't have that yet
npm install cordova ionic -g
Once you clone this repository, run this command to install all needed dependencies.
npm install
After installing the needed dependencies you are done, run this command to launch app on browser.
ionic serve
Run app on real device
For Android
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova run android
For iOS
ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova run ios