August 13, 2021
The US bike-share data explorer
It is an interactive program that runs completely in Python and explores the bike share database for many major cities in the United States. It aims to uncover bike share usage patterns by comparing the information of three large cities: Chicago, New York City, and Washington, DC.
The US bike-sharing data-explorer was created to fulfil the requirements of the Udacity® Nano-degree Program: 'Programming for Data Science with Python’.
The program is interactive and works by filtering the data frames of each one of the cities with time filters. The program calculates descriptive statistics for stations, trips, and users. It offers the possibility to get information on gender, and birth year. It also shows the average trip and average age grouped by gender (only for the cities of Chicago and New York). The user can explore individual data as well.
Code structure provided by Udacity®
If you see a mistake in the code, or room for improvement, please do let me know at [email protected]
August 2021 - Siegen, Germany
A corona-quarantine project