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Merge pull request #8 from lindy-labs/selfref
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Add support for self referential types
  • Loading branch information
javra authored Dec 4, 2023
2 parents 27eb67e + ce3f138 commit 40769df
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Showing 14 changed files with 380 additions and 124 deletions.
73 changes: 6 additions & 67 deletions Aegis/Analyzer.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,67 +7,6 @@ open Lean Expr Meta Qq

namespace Sierra

set_option trace.aesop.extraction true

def buildTypeDefs (typedefs : List (Identifier × Identifier)) :
Except String (HashMap Identifier SierraType) := do
let mut acc := HashMap.empty
for (name, ty) in typedefs do
let v : SierraType ← go acc ty
acc := acc.insert name v
return acc
where go (acc : _) (ty : Identifier) : Except String SierraType :=
match ty with
| .name "felt252" [] .none => pure .Felt252
| .name "u8" [] .none => pure .U8
| .name "u16" [] .none => pure .U16
| .name "u32" [] .none => pure .U32
| .name "u64" [] .none => pure .U64
| .name "u128" [] .none => pure .U128
| .name "RangeCheck" [] .none => pure .RangeCheck
| .name "Enum" (.usertype _ :: l) .none => do
let l ← flip mapM l fun x => match x with
| .identifier ident => pure ident
| _ => throw "Expected Enum parameter to refer a to a type"
pure <| .Enum ( acc.find!)
| .name "Struct" (.usertype _ :: l) .none => do
let l ← flip mapM l fun x => match x with
| .identifier ident => pure ident
| _ => throw "Expected Enum parameter to refer a to a type"
pure <| .Struct ( acc.find!)
| .name "NonZero" (Parameter.identifier ident :: []) .none => do
pure <| .NonZero <| acc.find! ident
| .name "Box" [l] .none =>
match l with
| .identifier ident => pure <| .Box <| acc.find! ident
| _ => throw "Expected Box parameter to refer to a type"
| .name "Snapshot" [l] .none =>
match l with
| .identifier ident => pure <| .Snapshot <| acc.find! ident
| _ => throw "Expected Snapshot parameter to refer to a type"
| .name "Array" [t] .none =>
match t with
| .identifier ident => pure <| .Array <| acc.find! ident
| _ => throw "Expected ARray parameter to refer to a type"
| .name "U128MulGuarantee" [] .none => pure .U128MulGuarantee
| .name "Pedersen" [] .none => pure .Pedersen
| .name "BuiltinCosts" [] .none => pure .BuiltinCosts
| .name "GasBuiltin" [] .none => pure .GasBuiltin
| .name "Bitwise" [] .none => pure .Bitwise
| .name "Uninitialized" [t] .none =>
match t with
| .identifier ident => pure <| .Array <| acc.find! ident
| _ => throw "Expected Uninitalized parameter to refer to a type"
| .name "Nullable" [t] .none =>
match t with
| .identifier ident => pure <| .Nullable <| acc.find! ident
| _ => throw "Expected Nullable parameter to refer to a type"
| .name "StorageBaseAddress" [] .none => pure .StorageBaseAddress
| .name "StorageAddress" [] .none => pure .StorageAddress
| .name "System" [] .none => pure .System
| .name "ContractAddress" [] .none => pure .ContractAddress
| _ => throw s!"Unhandled type {ty}"

def buildFuncSignatures
(currentFunc : Identifier)
(typedefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType)
Expand All @@ -79,7 +18,7 @@ def buildFuncSignatures
for (name, sig) in funcdefs do
match FuncData.libfuncs currentFunc typedefs specs metadataRef sig with
| some sig => acc := acc.insert name sig
| none => () --throw <| toString name ++ " : no such libfunc"
| none => dbg_trace s!"{toString name} : no such libfunc"
return acc

structure State where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +103,7 @@ partial def processState
let s ← get
let es := ( ( fun n => s.refs.find! n)).zip s.outputTypes
let es := fun ((ofv, rfv), t) =>
Expr.mkEq (SierraType.toQuote <| typeDefs.find! t) (.fvar rfv) (.fvar ofv)
Expr.mkEq (SierraType.toQuote [] <| typeDefs.find! t) (.fvar rfv) (.fvar ofv)
return (st, .cons (Expr.mkAnds es) [])
| _ => do
let .some st := f.statements.get? (← get).pc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +170,7 @@ partial def getFuncCondition (ident : Identifier) (pc : ℕ) (inputArgs : List (
for t in outputTypes do
let name ← mkFreshUserName `ρ
let fv ← mkFreshFVarId
lctx := lctx.mkLocalDecl fv name <| SierraType.toQuote <| typeDefs.find! t
lctx := lctx.mkLocalDecl fv name <| SierraType.toQuote [] <| typeDefs.find! t
outputRefs := outputRefs.push fv
-- Create fvar for the reference to the `Metadata` instance
let metadataRef ← mkFreshFVarId
Expand All @@ -249,7 +188,7 @@ partial def getFuncCondition (ident : Identifier) (pc : ℕ) (inputArgs : List (
let mut refs : RefTable := ∅
-- Add input arguments to initial local context and refs table
for (i, t) in inputArgs do
refs := refs.insert i <| ← getOrMkNewRef i <| SierraType.toQuote <| typeDefs.find! t
refs := refs.insert i <| ← getOrMkNewRef i <| SierraType.toQuote [] <| typeDefs.find! t
set { (← get) with refs := refs }
let (_, cs) ← processState typeDefs funcSigs sf inputArgs
processAndOrTree inputArgs cs) s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,10 +218,10 @@ def getLocalDeclInfos (ident : Identifier) (pc : ℕ) (inputArgs : List (ℕ ×
ret := ret.push <| .mk (← mkFreshUserName `m) fun _ => pure q(Metadata)
for (_, t) in inputArgs do
let n ← mkFreshUserName `a -- TODO make anonymous?
ret := ret.push <| .mk n fun _ => pure <| SierraType.toQuote <| typeDefs.find! t
ret := ret.push <| .mk n fun _ => pure <| SierraType.toQuote [] <| typeDefs.find! t
for t in outputTypes do
let n ← mkFreshUserName `ρ -- TODO make anonymous?
ret := ret.push <| .mk n fun _ => pure <| SierraType.toQuote <| typeDefs.find! t
ret := ret.push <| .mk n fun _ => pure <| SierraType.toQuote [] <| typeDefs.find! t
let n ← mkFreshUserName `h_auto
let e ← getFuncCondition sf specs ident pc inputArgs outputTypes
-- Add the auto spec, to which all previous args are applied
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Sierra.FuncData

variable (currentFunc : Identifier) (typeRefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType)
(specs : HashMap Identifier (Name × (FVarId → FuncData))) (metadataRef : FVarId)
(i : Identifier)
(i : Identifier)

/-- The definition of `libfuncs` is split into pieces do to slow elaboration time. -/
private def libfuncs_aux :=
Expand All @@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ private def libfuncs_aux :=
<|> boolLibfuncs i
<|> enumLibfuncs typeRefs i
<|> structLibfuncs typeRefs i
<|> boxLibfuncs typeRefs i
<|> boxLibfuncs metadataRef typeRefs i
<|> snapshotLibfuncs typeRefs i
<|> nonZeroLibfuncs typeRefs i

private def libfuncs_aux2 :=
libfuncs_aux typeRefs i
<|> arrayLibfuncs typeRefs i
libfuncs_aux typeRefs metadataRef i
<|> arrayLibfuncs metadataRef typeRefs i
<|> functionCallLibfuncs specs metadataRef i
<|> syscallLibfuncs metadataRef i
<|> builtinCostsLibfuncs currentFunc metadataRef i
Expand Down
21 changes: 16 additions & 5 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs/Array.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ open Qq Lean Sierra

namespace Sierra.FuncData

variable (metadataRef : FVarId)

def array_new (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := []
branches := [{ outputTypes := [.Array t]
Expand All @@ -12,17 +14,26 @@ def array_new (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
def array_append (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := [.Array t, t]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [.Array t]
condition := fun (a : Q(List $t.toQuote)) (b : Q($t.toQuote))
condition := fun (a : Q(List $t.toQuote)) (b : Q($t.toQuote))
(ρ : Q(List $t.toQuote)) => q($ρ = $a ++ [$b]) }]

example (f : Bool → Q(Type)) (b : Bool) (a b : Q(List $(f b))) : Q(Prop) :=
q(∃ x, x :: $a = $b)

def array_pop_front_aux (T : Q(Type)) (m' : Q(Option $T)) (a ρ₁ : Q(List $T)) : Q(Prop) :=
q(∃ ρ₂', $m' = .some ρ₂' ∧ ρ₂' :: $ρ₁ = $a)

def array_pop_front (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := [.Array t]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [.Array t, .Box t]
condition := fun (a ρ₁: Q(List $t.toQuote)) (ρ₂ : Q($t.toQuote)) =>
q($ρ₂ :: $ρ₁ = $a) },
condition :=
fun a ρ₁ (ρ₂ : Q(Nat)) =>
let m : Q(Metadata) := .fvar metadataRef
let m' : Expr := q($(m).boxHeap $t $ρ₂)
array_pop_front_aux ⟦t⟧ m' a ρ₁ },
{ outputTypes := [.Array t]
condition := fun (a : Q(List $t.toQuote)) (ρ : Q(List $t.toQuote)) =>
q($a = [] ∧ $ρ = []) }] -- TODO not actually clear what `ρ` is
q($a = [] ∧ $ρ = []) }] -- TODO maybe add possibility of box being empty

def array_len (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := [.Snapshot (.Array t)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +65,7 @@ def arrayLibfuncs (typeRefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType) : Identifier → Op
| .name "array_append" [.identifier ident] .none =>
return array_append (← typeRefs.find? ident)
| .name "array_pop_front" [.identifier ident] .none =>
return array_pop_front (← typeRefs.find? ident)
return array_pop_front metadataRef (← typeRefs.find? ident)
| .name "array_len" [.identifier ident] .none =>
return array_len (← typeRefs.find? ident)
| .name "array_get" [.identifier ident] .none =>
Expand Down
28 changes: 20 additions & 8 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs/Box.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,21 +4,33 @@ open Qq Lean Sierra

namespace Sierra.FuncData

def box_into (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
variable (metadataRef : FVarId)

def into_box (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := [t]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [.Box t], condition := fun (a ρ : Q($(⟦t⟧))) => q($ρ = $a) }]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [.Box t]
condition := fun a (ρ : Q(Nat)) =>
let m : Q(Metadata) := .fvar metadataRef
let lhs : Q(Option ($(t).toType)) := q($(m).boxHeap $t $ρ)
let rhs := mkAppN (mkConst `Option.some [levelZero]) #[t.toQuote, a]
Expr.mkEq q(Option ($(t).toType)) lhs rhs }]

def unbox (t : SierraType) : FuncData where
inputTypes := [.Box t]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [t], condition := fun (a ρ : Q($(⟦t⟧))) => q($ρ = $a) }]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [t]
condition := fun (a : Q(Nat)) (ρ : Expr) =>
let m : Q(Metadata) := .fvar metadataRef
let rhs : Q(Option ($(t).toType)) := q($(m).boxHeap $t $a)
let lhs := mkAppN (mkConst `Option.some [levelZero]) #[t.toQuote, ρ]
Expr.mkEq q(Option ($(t).toType)) lhs rhs }]

def boxLibfuncs (typeRefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType) : Identifier → Option FuncData
| .name "box_into" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some t => box_into t
| .name "into_box" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some t => into_box metadataRef t
| _ => .none
| .name "unbox" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some t => unbox t
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some t => unbox metadataRef t
| _ => .none
| _ => .none
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs/Enum.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,17 +39,19 @@ def enum_snapshot_match (fields : List SierraType) : FuncData where

def enumLibfuncs (typeRefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType) : Identifier → Option FuncData
| .name "enum_init" [.identifier ident, .const (.ofNat n)] .none =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Enum fields) =>
if hn : n < fields.length then enum_init fields ⟨n, hn⟩
else .none
| _ => .none
| .name "enum_match" [.identifier ident] .none =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Enum fields) => enum_match fields
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Enum fields) =>
enum_match fields
| _ => .none
| .name "enum_snapshot_match" [.identifier ident] .none =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Enum fields) => enum_snapshot_match fields
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Enum fields) =>
enum_snapshot_match fields
| _ => .none
| _ => .none
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs/Struct.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ def struct_snapshot_deconstruct (fields : List SierraType) : FuncData where

def structLibfuncs (typeRefs : HashMap Identifier SierraType) : Identifier → Option FuncData
| .name "struct_construct" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Struct fields) => struct_construct fields
| _ => .none
| .name "struct_deconstruct" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Struct fields) => struct_deconstruct fields
| _ => .none
| .name "struct_snapshot_deconstruct" [.identifier ident] _ =>
match typeRefs.find? ident with
match getMuBody <$> typeRefs.find? ident with
| .some (.Struct fields) => struct_snapshot_deconstruct fields
| _ => .none
| _ => .none
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Aegis/Libfuncs/UInt128.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace Sierra.FuncData
def u128_overflowing_add : FuncData where
inputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128, U128]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128]
condition := fun _ (a b : Q(UInt128)) _ (ρ : Q(UInt128)) =>
condition := fun _ (a b : Q(UInt128)) _ (ρ : Q(UInt128)) =>
q(($a).val + ($b).val < U128_MOD ∧ $ρ = $a + $b) },
-- TODO check branch order
{ outputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128]
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def u128_overflowing_add : FuncData where
def u128_overflowing_sub : FuncData where
inputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128, U128]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128]
condition := fun _ (a b : Q(UInt128)) _ (ρ : Q(UInt128)) =>
condition := fun _ (a b : Q(UInt128)) _ (ρ : Q(UInt128)) =>
q(($b).val ≤ ($a).val ∧ $ρ = $a - $b) },
-- TODO check branch order
{ outputTypes := [RangeCheck, U128]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ def bitwise : FuncData where
inputTypes := [Bitwise, U128, U128]
branches := [{ outputTypes := [Bitwise, U128, U128, U128]
condition := fun _ (lhs rhs : Q(UInt128)) _ (and xor or : Q(UInt128)) =>
q($(and).val =' $(lhs).val $(rhs).val
∧ $(xor).val = Nat.lxor' $(lhs).val $(rhs).val
∧ $(or).val = Nat.lor' $(lhs).val $(rhs).val) }]
q($(and).val = $(lhs).val $(rhs).val
∧ $(xor).val = Nat.xor $(lhs).val $(rhs).val
∧ $(or).val = Nat.lor $(lhs).val $(rhs).val) }]

def uint128Libfuncs : Identifier → Option FuncData
| .name "u128_overflowing_add" [] .none => u128_overflowing_add
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions Aegis/Tests/ArrayPopFront.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,10 +36,15 @@ test::pop_front@0([0]: Array<felt252>) -> (Array<felt252>, core::option::Option:

aegis_info "test::pop_front"

aegis_spec "test::pop_front" := fun _ a ρ₁ ρ₂ =>
ρ₁ = a.tail ∧ ρ₂ = if a.length = 0 then .inr () else .inl a.head!

aegis_prove "test::pop_front" := fun _ a ρ₁ ρ₂ => by
rintro ⟨_,_,(⟨rfl,rfl,rfl⟩|⟨rfl,rfl,rfl⟩)⟩ <;> simp [«spec_test::pop_front»]
aegis_spec "test::pop_front" := fun m a ρ₁ ρ₂ =>
ρ₁ = a.tail
∧ (a.length = 0 ∧ ρ₂ = .inr ()
∨ ∃ ρ₂', ρ₂ = .inl ρ₂' ∧ m.boxHeap .Felt252 ρ₂' = .some a.head!)

aegis_prove "test::pop_front" := fun m a ρ₁ ρ₂ => by
unfold «spec_test::pop_front»
rintro ⟨_,_,(⟨⟨ρ₂',h,rfl⟩,rfl,rfl⟩|⟨rfl,rfl,rfl⟩)⟩
· aesop
· simp

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions Aegis/Tests/Commands.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,6 +128,43 @@ aegis_spec "test::u128_const" := fun _ _ => True

aegis_prove "test::u128_const" := fun _ _ _ => True.intro

aegis_load_string "type felt252 = felt252 [storable: true, drop: true, dup: true, zero_sized: false];
type Box<felt252> = Box<felt252> [storable: true, drop: true, dup: true, zero_sized: false];
libfunc into_box<felt252> = into_box<felt252>;
into_box<felt252>([0]) -> ([1]); // 0
return([1]); // 1
test::into_box@0([0]: felt252) -> (Box<felt252>);"

aegis_spec "test::into_box" := fun m a ρ =>
m.boxHeap .Felt252 ρ = .some a

aegis_prove "test::into_box" := fun _ _ _ _ => by

aegis_load_string "type Box<felt252> = Box<felt252> [storable: true, drop: true, dup: true, zero_sized: false];
type felt252 = felt252 [storable: true, drop: true, dup: true, zero_sized: false];
libfunc unbox<felt252> = unbox<felt252>;
libfunc store_temp<felt252> = store_temp<felt252>;
unbox<felt252>([0]) -> ([1]); // 0
store_temp<felt252>([1]) -> ([1]); // 1
return([1]); // 2
test::unbox@0([0]: Box<felt252>) -> (felt252);"

aegis_spec "test::unbox" := fun m a ρ =>
m.boxHeap .Felt252 a = .some ρ

aegis_prove "test::unbox" := fun m a b => by
unfold «spec_test::unbox»
rintro ⟨_,h,rfl⟩

aegis_load_string "type Unit = Struct<ut@Tuple>;
type core::bool = Enum<ut@core::bool, Unit, Unit>;
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Aegis/Tests/SelfRef.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import Aegis.Commands
import Aegis.Macros

open Sierra Lean

aegis_load_file "Aegis/Tests/issue2249.sierra"

aegis_spec "issue2249::issue2249::simple_test" :=
fun _ ρ => ρ = .inl (12, .inr ())

aegis_prove "issue2249::issue2249::simple_test" :=
fun _ ρ => by
unfold «spec_issue2249::issue2249::simple_test»


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