π A deep regex match component for React, support ReactNode match.
React-deep-match support regular expression matches in a ReactDom or a string; and wrap each match a react node, also support custom wrap;
For example:
import DeepMatch from 'react-deep-match';
<DeepMatch text='testvalue' find="test" />
// result:
<div><span class="matched">test</span>value</div>
Also component support reactNode deep Match
// result:
<div><span class="matched">test</span>value</div>
<span>value<span class="matched">test</span>2</span>
And component support Regex match, and custom match wrap;
wrap={(matched) => {
return <i class="number">{matched}</i>;
// result:
<span>testvalue<i class="number">{123}</i>test</span>
npm install react-deep-match --save
import DeepMatch from 'react-deep-match';
react-deep-match supports these props;
- text(string | ReactNode): Text or ReactNode, you want to search for
- find(string | RegExp): Text or a RegExp, the rules you want to match text
- wrap((match: string, index: string) => string | React.ReactNode): A Function, you want to wrap your matched texts, argument is the matched text
padolsey/findAndReplaceDOMText - π Find and replace DOM text