#autotweet.js ##What is it? autotweet.js is a simple node.js script that randomly generates some text from a list of sentences (using a Markov Chain) and then posts it as a tweet on twitter. ##How Do I use it? Before you try using autotweet.js, you'll need to have a twitter account and you'll need to have node.js installed on your computer. After you have that done and over with, just clone autotweet.js from github.
git clone https://github.com/WaldoHatesYou/autotweet.git
Then, go to the "autotweet" directory and write out a "settings.json" file. The "settings.json" file should contain the information that is required to post to your twitter account (api consumer key, api consumer secret, api access token key, and api access token secret) as well as a list of sentences that is to be included in the corpus field of the "settings.json" file. An example is shown below.
"consumer_key":"Insert key here",
"consumer_secret":"Insert consumer secret here",
"access_token_key":"Insert access token key here",
"access_token_secret":"Insert access token secret here",
"Hi, I am a sentence in a corpus",
"Is this sentence awesome or is this sentence really awesome?",
"Strawberry fields forever"
After you're done that, grab the node-twitter library using the following command.
npm init
Once that finishes, convert your node.js script file into an executable by executing the following command.
chmod+x autotweet
If you finished that step, you can now start sending tweets by typing the following command into your command line.
Of course, if you want to, you can place your settings file in a different location with a name other than "settings.json". If you do this, you will have to pass the location of the json file to autotweet like this.
./autotweet ~/Documents/settings.json