Releases: lirios/qtaccountsservice
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 1.4.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
Improvements over the previous version:
- Updates to the build system
$ sha256sum qtaccountsservice-1.4.0.tar.xz
94fdeb47b18014bf26f29dcf82850c6c8a84a2591553fdedc929a3fccb95c5ca qtaccountsservice-1.4.0.tar.xz
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 1.3.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
Improvements over the previous version:
- New CMake build system
$ sha256sum qtaccountsservice-1.3.0.tar.xz
b9d583c30447464eb0c34993db6b5615177821c45375f36c8830fef7d9e7b4ea qtaccountsservice-1.3.0.tar.xz
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 1.2.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
Improvements over the previous version:
- Requires qbs 1.9.0 and liri-qbs-shared 1.2.0
- Support static analyzer
- Fix compiler warnings
- Check minimum Qt version required
- Rename autotest to make it recognizable
- Setup autotest environment variables
- Fix examples
You can download the source tarball from GitHub
SHA256 checksum: 358a31f1b7db2f726a5146115843677254da3ede2c91db8788eac1cf6a5a88b5
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 1.1.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
Improvements over the previous version:
- Fixed clazy warnings
- Use liri-qbs-shared instead of shared qbs code as git submodule
You can download the source tarball from GitHub
SHA256 checksum: 8c4d74687751aa65c060761e0fc2109a90ae3af2ab7561b633b3defe48201544
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 1.0.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
This is the first stable release with the following improvements over the previous release:
- Stable API
- Add UserAccount::setPasswordHint()
- More roles for UsersModel
- Asynchronous users listing
- Addressed issues reported by Clazy level 2 checks
- More examples
- Switch build system from cmake to Qbs
You can download the source tarball from GitHub
SHA256 checksum: ccfedf6f36cecfddb053e6cdf7ab4d79ab32e0d9831ae869c21a3f20e5f86ede
Version 0.7.0
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of QtAccountsService 0.7.0.
QtAccountsService is a Qt-style wrapper around AccountsService DBus service.
This release is a Liri rebranding of the Hawaii code.
You can download the source tarball from GitHub
SHA256 checksum: c6a9aa12ff77ab72348fea687b34e9e0893a51b6db57c485cf15c51071358d91