lsws1clk is a one-click installation script for LiteSpeed. Using this script, you can quickly and easily install LiteSpeed with it’s default settings. We also provide a -W parameter that will install WordPress at the same time but it must still be configured through the wp-config.php page. By default, a MariaDB database will be set up using this script, you can also specify other DB if needed. If you already have a WordPress installation running on another server, it can be imported into LiteSpeed with no hassle using the --wordpresspath parameter. To completely install WordPress with your LiteSpeed installation, skipping the need for the wp-config.php page, use the --wordpressplus flag. This can be used with --wpuser, --wppassword, --wplang, and --sitetitle to configure each of the settings normally set by wp-config.php.
The script includes a 15-day trial license by default. After the trial period, you can apply your own license or enter your serial number using the --license xxxxxxxx command during installation. Licenses start at $0. Read more.
Our One-Click script comes with several options. Here are two commmon usages.
Install LiteSpeed, LSPHP, MariaDB, WordPress, and LiteSpeed Cache plugin:
bash <( curl -sk ) -w
Install LiteSpeed and LSPHP only:
bash <( curl -sk )
See below for additional options and usage examples.
./ [option] [option] …
Opt | Options | Description |
L |
--license |
To use specified LSWS serial number. |
--adminuser [USERNAME] |
To set the WebAdmin username for LiteSpeed instead of admin. | |
-A |
--adminpassword [PASSWORD] |
To set the WebAdmin password for LiteSpeed instead of using a random one. |
--adminport [PORTNUMBER] |
To set the WebAdmin console port number instead of 7080. | |
-E |
--email [EMAIL] |
To set the administrator email. |
--lsphp [VERSION] |
To set the LSPHP version, such as 83. We currently support versions '74 80 81 82 83'. | |
--mariadbver [VERSION] |
To set MariaDB version, such as 11.4. We currently support versions '10.6 10.11 11.4 11.6'. | |
-W |
--wordpress |
To install WordPress. You will still need to complete the WordPress setup by browser |
--wordpressplus [SITEDOMAIN] |
To install, set up, and configure WordPress, also LSCache will be enabled | |
--wordpresspath [WP_PATH] |
To specify a location for the new WordPress installation or use for an existing WordPress. | |
-R |
--dbrootpassword [PASSWORD] |
To set the database root password instead of using a random one. |
--dbname [DATABASENAME] |
To set the database name to be used by WordPress. | |
--dbuser [DBUSERNAME] |
To set the WordPress username in the database. | |
--dbpassword [PASSWORD] |
To set the WordPress table password in MySQL instead of using a random one. | |
--prefix [PREFIXNAME] |
To set the WordPress table prefix. | |
--listenport [PORT] |
To set the HTTP server listener port, default is 80. | |
--ssllistenport [PORT] |
To set the HTTPS server listener port, default is 443. | |
--wpuser [WP_USER] |
To set the WordPress admin user for WordPress dashboard login. Default value is wpuser. | |
--wppassword [PASSWORD] |
To set the WordPress admin user password for WordPress dashboard login. | |
--wplang [WP_LANGUAGE] |
To set the WordPress language. Default value is "en_US" for English. | |
--sitetitle [WP_TITLE] |
To set the WordPress site title. Default value is mySite. | |
--pure-mariadb |
To install LiteSpeed and MariaDB. | |
--pure-mysql |
To install LiteSpeed and MySQL. | |
--pure-percona |
To install LiteSpeed and Percona. | |
--with-mysql |
To install LiteSpeed/App with MySQL. | |
--with-percona |
To install LiteSpeed/App with Percona. | |
--owasp-enable |
To enable mod_security with OWASP rules. If LSWS is installed, then enable the owasp directly | |
--owasp-disable |
To disable mod_security with OWASP rules. | |
--proxy-r |
To set a proxy with rewrite type. | |
--proxy-c |
To set a proxy with config type. | |
-U |
--uninstall |
To uninstall LiteSpeed and remove installation directory. |
-P |
--purgeall |
To uninstall LiteSpeed, remove installation directory, and purge all data in MySQL. |
-Q |
--quiet |
To use quiet mode, won't prompt to input anything. |
-V |
--version |
To display the script version information. |
-v |
--verbose |
To display more messages during the installation. |
--update |
To update lsws1clk from github. | |
-H |
--help |
To display help messages. |
Examples | Description |
./ |
To install LiteSpeed with a random WebAdmin password. |
./ --lsphp 83 |
To install LiteSpeed with lsphp83. |
./ -A 123456 -e [email protected] |
To install LiteSpeed with WebAdmin password "123456" and email [email protected]. |
./ -R 123456 -W |
To install LiteSpeed with WordPress and MariaDB root password "123456". |
./ --wordpressplus |
To install LiteSpeed with a fully configured WordPress installation at "". |
Run the following command to create an additional virtual host in a few seconds. The example document root will be /var/www/ Be sure to substitute your own domain.
/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d
The first time you create an additional Virtual Host, the script will need to get your database root password from /usr/local/lsws/password. If you have custom value, please update /usr/local/lsws/password or echo the password to the specified location: /root/.db_password.
echo 'root_mysql_pass="DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /root/.db_password
Then run the following command to create an additional virtual host with the WordPress.
/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d -w
Please be sure that your domain is already pointing to the server.
Then run the following command to create an additional virtual host with a Let's Encrypt certificate applied. Be sure to substitute your own domain and your email address.
/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d -le [email protected] -f
Note: The -f
option is to force https redirection
If you still have a question after reading these instructions, you have a few options:
- Join the GoLiteSpeed Slack community for real-time discussion
- Report any issue on the Github lsws1clk project
- Join the discussion on any LiteSpeed topic on the LSWS Forum.