Releases: litespeedtech/magento2-LiteSpeed_LiteMage
Improve CLI flush
- [New] Added Disable CLI Purge setting to temporarily disable CLI flush and speed up the external sync process. (Also available via CLI as cache:litemage:cli-flush status|enable|disable)
- [Bugfix] Fixed the wrong category tags introduced in 2.2.3 when using the cache:litemage:flush:cats command.
- [Improvement] Improve the efficiency of CLI flush by batching the requests and filtering early against ignored cache/purge tags.
Improved LiteMage cache flush from command line.
[New] Added LiteMage console flush commands:
cache:litemage:flush:cats - Flushes LiteMage cache by a list of category IDs
cache:litemage:flush:prods - Flushes LiteMage cache by a list of product IDs
cache:litemage:flush:tags - Flushes LiteMage cache by a list of tags -
[New] Added Basic Authentication configuration to allow CLI flush to work properly when the site is protected by BasicAuth.
[Improvement] If CLI flush fails, hide the HTML error content. Only list out the error code and a simple error message with tips.
Fixed the missing LiteMage cached object count.
[BUGFIX] After an order is placed, when trying to purge out-of-stock simple products with customizable options, may fail to get the salable quantity. Will now ignore this case.
[BUGFIX] Fixed missing tags for cacheable ajax requests and GraphQI requests.
[BUGFIX] Fixed the missing LiteMage cached object count.
Fixed an incompatibility with third party inventory management.
[BUGFIX] Fixed two undefined variable warnings introduced in v2.2.
[BUGFIX] Fixed a problem where the newly added option in v2.2 for Purge Products after a Sale broke Magento when the Magento_Inventory module was replaced by third party inventory management. This new option is now only effective when used with the built-in Magento_Inventory module.
New features to give you more fine-grained control over LiteMage Cache
- [New] Added support for private ESI blocks.
- [New] Added a new Purge Tuning section in LiteMage config.
- Allow fine tuning to reduce purge tags when reindexing.
- Added option to allow purge products after a sale.
- Added Ignored Purge tags setting.
- [New] Added event "litemage_add_cache_tags" to allow a third party API to add cache tags in addition to those from the identity blocks.
- [BUGFIX} Fixed a typo that caused a failure when sending a large purge header.
- [BUGFIX] When purging from CLI, split into muliple segments if the URL contains more than 50 tags, to keep URLs a reasonable length.
- [Update] When a page is not cacheable, explicitly set the "X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache" header.
- [Update] When static assets like CSS files are not found, the page is processed dynamically. LiteMage Cache ESI injection is bypassed in this case.
- Improved efficiency by reducing hook points.
- Improved debug logging messages.
- Fixed the CLI purge error when admin backend and frontend are on different domains in a multi-site setup.
- Fixed some PHP8 compatibility issues.
Compatibility fix for Magento 2.4 upgrade
Fixed an issue with a deprecated PHP 7.4 function that could cause a Magento 2.4 upgrade to fail.
Faster load time for non-cacheable pages
Update: Improved load time for non-cacheable pages by reducing unnecessary log generation when debug is off.
Update: Improved third-party module compatibility - do not cache if it is private data from Magento_Customer or force_new_section_timestamp is true.
Update: Added validation for ESI requests.
Update: Added purge tag filters and additional shortened translations for default tags.
Fixed multi-store switcher
BugFix: Fixed an issue where store switcher wouldn't switch the current page when multiple stores existed under one website.
BugFix: Eliminated an error that occurred when the debug log was enabled and the current response was not an HTTP response.
Improvement: Filter and reduce cache tags for footer section.
Fixed Admin panel auto-logout issue when LiteMage enabled
Fixed an issue in Admin panel where enabling LiteMage when static assets require regeneration under pub/ folder caused auto-logout.
Fixed the issue caused by Magento2's CSRF form key validation where the CLI command to flush cache was not working.