Keras-style deep learning framework for reinforcement learning. This framework designed so that even absolute beginners can make theirs own model for reinforcement learning problems and experiment in this area.
- Keras-like model fitting procedure in
class - Activation function in
class. List of implemented activations:
- Linear
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
- ReLu
- Leaky_ReLu
- PeLu
- ELu
- Arctanh
- Sin
- Gaussian
- Softmax
- Different optimizers in
class. List of implemented optimizers:
- SGD (Stohastic Gradient Descent)
- MiniBatch
- Momentum
- Adagrad
- RMSProp
- Adadelta
- Adam
- Loss functions in
class. List of implemented loss functions:
- ProbabilityPolicyGradient (Policy Gradient)
- BinaryCrossEntropy
- MulticlassCrossEntropy
- Manual
as part of backpropagation algorithm (example: for Policy Gradient loss function useModel._autograds_prob_policy()
to get raw gradients)
The main class of the framework is Model
Model(input_size, # - (required) int, state dimensionality
n_neurons=[], # - iterable struct of int,
# lenth of list - number of layers,
# element - number of neurons in layer
activtions=[], # - iterable of Activations,
# must be the same lenth as n_neurons
optimizator=None, # - GradientOptimizer, optimizer of the model
learning_rate=10**-5, # - float, learning rate
random_state=None # - int, random state
To add new fully-connected layer in your model use next function:
Model.add_FC(n_neurons, # - (required) int, number of neurons
activation # - (required) Activation,
# activation function of the layer
To add a loss function use following function:
Model.add_loss(loss_type # - (required) Loss, loss function of the model
To make your model learning a Policy Gradient use this:
Model.add_ProbPolicyGradient(n_actions, # - (required) int, shape (number) of actions
activation # - (required) Actiovation,
# activation function for the mean of the model
Train and predict functions:
Model.train(X, # - (required) numpy.array, input data (if classification)
# or current environment and agent state (if Gradient Policy)
y # - (required) numpy.array, labels (if classification)
# or rewards (if Gradient Policy)
Model.predict(X # - (required) numpy.array, input data (if classification)
# or current environment and agent state (if Gradient Policy)
from kdl.Kirin import Model, Activation, Loss, GradientOptimizer
if __name__ == "__main__":
nn = Model(input_size=24, random_state=12732)
nn.add_FC(n_neurons=128, activation=Activation.Sigmoid)
nn.add_FC(n_neurons=18, activation=Activation.Sigmoid)
nn.add_FC(n_neurons=178, activation=Activation.Sigmoid)
nn.add_FC(n_neurons=178, activation=Activation.Softmax)
nn.add_ProbPolicyGradient(n_actions=12, activation=Activation.Tanh)
actions = np.random.normal(size=(3, 12))
rewards = np.random.normal(size=(3))
X = np.random.normal(size=(3, 24))
y = nn.prop(X, save_history=True)
grads = nn._autograds_prob_policy(actions, rewards)
pred = nn.predict(X)