Read our paper for more details: [ATC'24] High-density Mobile Cloud Gaming on Edge SoC Clusters.
This repo contains Unity packages for
partitioning a game session given a rectangle area on the main camera;
streaming the rendering results from one of the partitioned game session to another side through WebRTC, and combining to a whole scene;
assessing game performance (e.g., FPS)
There is also a separate WebRTC signaling server implementation.
FPSUtils: Unity prefab for showing FPS on the main game screen (derived from the Viking Village project).
FrameTimesOverlay: Unity prefab for showing game rendering time on the game screen.
GameSplit: The core game partitioning logic implementation
DistanceSplit: Code for implementing distance-based game partitioning; it allows rendering near part and the remote part.
SFG: Vertical game partitioning or rectangle-based game partitioning.
Prefabs: A list of Unity Prefabs that aggregating all above game partitioning features and metrics.
Scripts: Common implementation for FPS counting, frame quality controlling, etc.
UnityWebRTCSignalingServer: The WebRTC signaling server implementation.