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0xrajath committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 996a0ad commit a81e558
Showing 1 changed file with 113 additions and 143 deletions.
256 changes: 113 additions & 143 deletions test/token-voting/ERC20TokenholderActionCreator.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,6 +394,119 @@ contract CancelAction is ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest {

contract CancelActionBySig is ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest {
uint256 actionId;
ActionInfo actionInfo;

function setUp() public virtual override {

// Assigns Policy to TokenholderActionCreator.

// Mint tokens to tokenholder so that they can create action., ERC20_CREATION_THRESHOLD);

// Mine block so that the ERC20 supply will be available when doing a past timestamp check at createAction.

bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(mockProtocol.pause, (true));

actionId = erc20TokenholderActionCreator.createAction(
erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole, STRATEGY, address(mockProtocol), 0, data, ""

actionInfo = ActionInfo(

function createOffchainSignature(ActionInfo memory _actionInfo, uint256 privateKey)
returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
LlamaCoreSigUtils.CancelActionBySig memory cancelAction = LlamaCoreSigUtils.CancelActionBySig({
tokenHolder: tokenHolder1,
actionInfo: _actionInfo,
nonce: erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder1, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector)
bytes32 digest = getCancelActionBySigTypedDataHash(cancelAction);
(v, r, s) = vm.sign(privateKey, digest);

function cancelActionBySig(ActionInfo memory _actionInfo, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal {
erc20TokenholderActionCreator.cancelActionBySig(tokenHolder1, _actionInfo, v, r, s);

function test_CancelActionBySig() public {
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolder1PrivateKey);

emit ActionCanceled(actionId, tokenHolder1);
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);

uint256 state = uint256(CORE.getActionState(actionInfo));
uint256 canceled = uint256(ActionState.Canceled);
assertEq(state, canceled);

function test_CheckNonceIncrements() public {
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolder1PrivateKey);

assertEq(erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder1, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector), 0);
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
assertEq(erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder1, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector), 1);

function test_OperationCannotBeReplayed() public {
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolder1PrivateKey);
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address during the second call is not the same as policyholder
// since nonce has increased.
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);

function test_RevertIf_SignerIsNotTokenHolder() public {
(, uint256 randomSignerPrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("randomSigner");
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, randomSignerPrivateKey);
// Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address is not the same as the policyholder passed in as
// parameter.
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);

function test_RevertIf_SignerIsZeroAddress() public {
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolder1PrivateKey);
// Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address is zero address due to invalid signature values
// (v,r,s).
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, (v + 1), r, s);

function test_RevertIf_PolicyholderIncrementsNonce() public {
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolder1PrivateKey);


// Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address during the call is not the same as policyholder
// since nonce has increased.
cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);

// contract SetActionThreshold is ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest {
// function test_SetsCreationThreshold() public {
// uint256 threshold = 500_000e18;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,146 +553,3 @@ contract CancelAction is ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest {
// erc20TokenholderActionCreator.setActionThreshold(threshold);
// }
// }

// contract CancelActionBySig is ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest, LlamaCoreSigUtils {
// bytes data = abi.encodeCall(POLICY.initializeRole, (RoleDescription.wrap("Test Role")));
// uint256 actionId;
// ERC20TokenholderActionCreator erc20TokenholderActionCreator;
// ActionInfo actionInfo;
// uint8 erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole;

// function setUp() public virtual override {
// ERC20TokenholderActionCreatorTest.setUp();
//, 1000); // we use erc20VotesToken because IVotesToken is an
// // interface without the `delegate` function
// vm.prank(tokenHolder);
// erc20VotesToken.delegate(tokenHolder); // we use erc20VotesToken because IVotesToken is an interface without
// // the `delegate` function

// erc20TokenholderActionCreator = new ERC20TokenholderActionCreator(erc20VotesToken, ILlamaCore(address(CORE)),
// 1000);

// setDomainHash(
// LlamaCoreSigUtils.EIP712Domain({
// name:,
// version: "1",
// chainId: block.chainid,
// verifyingContract: address(erc20TokenholderActionCreator)
// })
// );

// vm.startPrank(address(EXECUTOR)); // init role, assign policy, and assign permission to setRoleHolder to the
// // erc20VotesToken
// // voting action creator
// POLICY.initializeRole(RoleDescription.wrap("Token Voting Action Creator Role"));
// erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole = 2;
// POLICY.setRoleHolder(
// erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole, address(erc20TokenholderActionCreator), DEFAULT_ROLE_QTY,
// );
// POLICY.setRolePermission(
// erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole,
// ILlamaPolicy.PermissionData(address(POLICY), POLICY.initializeRole.selector, address(STRATEGY)),
// true
// );
// vm.stopPrank();

// vm.roll(block.number + 1);
// vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);

// vm.expectEmit();
// emit ActionCreated(CORE.actionsCount(), tokenHolder, erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole, STRATEGY,
// address(POLICY),
// 0, data, "");
// vm.prank(tokenHolder);
// actionId = erc20TokenholderActionCreator.createAction(erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole, STRATEGY,
// address(POLICY),
// 0, data, "");

// actionInfo =
// ActionInfo(actionId, address(erc20TokenholderActionCreator), erc20TokenholderActionCreatorRole, STRATEGY,
// address(POLICY), 0,
// data);

// vm.roll(block.number + 1);
// vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);
// }

// function createOffchainSignature(ActionInfo memory _actionInfo, uint256 privateKey)
// internal
// view
// returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
// {
// LlamaCoreSigUtils.CancelActionBySig memory cancelAction = LlamaCoreSigUtils.CancelActionBySig({
// tokenHolder: tokenHolder,
// actionInfo: _actionInfo,
// nonce: erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector)
// });
// bytes32 digest = getCancelActionBySigTypedDataHash(cancelAction);
// (v, r, s) = vm.sign(privateKey, digest);
// }

// function cancelActionBySig(ActionInfo memory _actionInfo, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal {
// erc20TokenholderActionCreator.cancelActionBySig(tokenHolder, _actionInfo, v, r, s);
// }

// function test_CancelActionBySig() public {
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolderPrivateKey);

// // vm.expectEmit();
// // emit ActionCanceled(, tokenHolder);

// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);

// uint256 state = uint256(CORE.getActionState(actionInfo));
// uint256 canceled = uint256(ActionState.Canceled);
// assertEq(state, canceled);
// }

// function test_CheckNonceIncrements() public {
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolderPrivateKey);

// assertEq(erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector), 0);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// assertEq(erc20TokenholderActionCreator.nonces(tokenHolder, ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector), 1);
// }

// function test_OperationCannotBeReplayed() public {
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolderPrivateKey);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// // Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address during the second call is not the same as
// policyholder
// // since nonce has increased.
// vm.expectRevert(ILlamaCore.InvalidSignature.selector);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// }

// function test_RevertIf_SignerIsNotTokenHolder() public {
// (, uint256 randomSignerPrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("randomSigner");
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, randomSignerPrivateKey);
// // Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address is not the same as the policyholder passed in as
// // parameter.
// vm.expectRevert(ILlamaCore.InvalidSignature.selector);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// }

// function test_RevertIf_SignerIsZeroAddress() public {
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolderPrivateKey);
// // Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address is zero address due to invalid signature values
// // (v,r,s).
// vm.expectRevert(ILlamaCore.InvalidSignature.selector);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, (v + 1), r, s);
// }

// function test_RevertIf_PolicyholderIncrementsNonce() public {
// (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = createOffchainSignature(actionInfo, tokenHolderPrivateKey);

// vm.prank(tokenHolder);
// erc20TokenholderActionCreator.incrementNonce(ILlamaCore.cancelActionBySig.selector);

// // Invalid Signature error since the recovered signer address during the call is not the same as policyholder
// // since nonce has increased.
// vm.expectRevert(ILlamaCore.InvalidSignature.selector);
// cancelActionBySig(actionInfo, v, r, s);
// }
// }

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