YAML stands for 'YAML Ain't Markup Language', it is a human-readable data serialisation language and it is commonly used for configuration files.
This little MATLAB utility reads in simple YAML files and returns them as structures, where YAML key/value pairs are fields of the structure. See example:
# Settings to be used by various SLM / Prairie interfacing scripts
TransformFile: 3DTransform_20181017_1617.mat
SLM_Pixels_X: 512
SLM_Pixels_Y: 512
SLM_BitDepth: 8
ZeroOrderBlockSize_PX: 35
HologramLibraryName: GenerateHologramCUDA
AutoAdjustWeights: 1 # true
WeightingFile: 20170524_Satsuma_Leica25x_Weights_MaxCoord128.mat
# Galvo positions (GPLMaker)
ScanAmp_X: -8.361121 6.821121 # left,right - save a grid gpl
ScanAmp_Y: 8.345181 -8.145181 # top,bottom - save a grid gpl
FOVsize_OpticalZoom: 1.2
FOVsize_PX: 512
FOVsize_UM_1x: 854.5
# Mark points (XMLMaker)
LaserName: Photostim
LaserPowerScaleFactor: 2.1
LaserPowerFile: Bruker2_PowerFile.mat #mat file containing PV->mW fit
TriggerLine: PFI1
VoltageOutputCategoryName: Lloyd
VoltageOutputExperimentName: 1msPulseOut_6713AO0
# RawDataStream
FlipEvenLines: 0
settings = ReadYaml('settings.yml')
settings =
struct with fields:
TransformFile: '3DTransform_20181017_1617.mat'
SLM_Pixels_X: 512
SLM_Pixels_Y: 512
SLM_BitDepth: 8
ZeroOrderBlockSize_PX: 35
HologramLibraryName: 'GenerateHologramCUDA'
AutoAdjustWeights: 1
WeightingFile: '20170524_Satsuma_Leica25x_Weights_MaxCoord128.mat'
ScanAmp_X: [-8.3611 6.8211]
ScanAmp_Y: [8.3452 -8.1452]
FOVsize_OpticalZoom: 1.2000
FOVsize_PX: 512
FOVsize_UM_1x: 854.5000
LaserName: 'Photostim'
LaserPowerScaleFactor: 2.1000
LaserPowerFile: 'Bruker2_PowerFile.mat'
TriggerLine: 'PFI1'
VoltageOutputCategoryName: 'Lloyd'
VoltageOutputExperimentName: '1msPulseOut_6713AO0'
FlipEvenLines: 0