Ansible playbook to setup libpam-ssh-agent-auth
for sudo authentication via forwarded ssh-agent socket.
After running this playbook on a Debian/Ubuntu host you will be able to use sudo
without entering your password: you will be authorized by SSH key in your local SSH-agent only.
- no more passwords
- SSH key never leaves your local machine
- attacker with your user's privileges cannot gain root (at least without active SSH connection and unlocked ssh-agent on your machine)
- you still can use your password for sudo when ssh-agent forwarding is not available
- no more insecure NOPASSWD in
- you have to enable ssh-agent forwarding to remote host which might increase overall attack surface
ansible-playbook -i myservers -v -K install-libpam-ssh-agent.yml
needed for your password for sudo on remote host (this will be the last time you enter it!)
(in case there is NOPASSWD in it)