These labs are open to the public under the (friendly) request that to preserve their value as a teaching tool, solutions not be posted publicly by anybody.
To set up the build system: cmake -S . -B build
To compile: cmake --build build
To run tests: cmake --build build --target test
To run speed benchmarks: cmake --build build --target speed
To run clang-tidy (which suggests improvements): cmake --build build --target tidy
To format code: cmake --build build --target format
cmake --build build --target clean
cmake --build build
cd /mnt/e/Web/minnow/build && /usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure --stop-on-failure --timeout 30 -E 'speed_test|optimization|webget'
cd /mnt/e/Web/minnow/build && /usr/bin/ctest --output-on-failure --stop-on-failure --timeout 30 -R '^net_interface'
cd /mnt/e/Web/minnow/build && /usr/bin/ctest --output-on-failure --stop-on-failure --timeout 30 -R '^net_interface|^router'