Using LndHub for
If You run a node and need to have separate accounts in front of LND wallet.
If You run a node and will be "Uncle-Jim" for family and friends or community.
If You need a toolbox "Kitchen Sink and Batteries" included for building Lightning App's.
This repo will contain :
- Collect HowTo's and Snippets
- Code Repo fo Admin Extension Components
- Documetation "Best Practices" and Deploy for production
There is a /LndHub/extensions/*
folder where one can extend LndHub and run in same memory area as LndHub,
and there is /LndHub-Extensions
that lives outside of the LndHub folder (for babel build reasons)
invocated in its own memory area while sharing the Redis DB and use API calls to LndHub-Admin core.
The /LndHub-Extensions/*
can use any Language and Framework while authenticating to LndHub-Admin core API.