Dependency Upgrades
Update chai to version 4.1.2 (#124 )
Update git-url-parse to version 8.1.0 (#123 )
chore(package): update coveralls to version 3.0.0 (#122 )
Update mocha to version 5.0.1 (#121 )
Update sinon to version 4.4.2 (#120 )
Update babel-register to the latest version 🚀 (#104 )
Update babel-cli to the latest version 🚀 (#105 )
Update parse-github-repo-url to the latest version 🚀 (#106 )
Update bluebird to the latest version 🚀 (#111 )
Update ramda to the latest version 🚀 (#112 )
fix(package): update moment to version 2.20.1 (#119 )
fix(package): update commander to version 2.14.1 (#118 )
chore(package): update eslint to version 4.7.0 (#109 )
Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 (#101 )
Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 (#88 )
Update eslint and eslint-config-holidaycheck to the latest version 🚀 (#95 )
Update eslint-plugin-mocha to the latest version 🚀 (#92 )
Update chai-as-promised to the latest version 🚀 (#97 )
Update commander to the latest version 🚀 (#96 )
Update chai-as-promised to the latest version 🚀 (#90 )
Update commander to the latest version 🚀 (#93 )
Update git-url-parse to the latest version 🚀 (#91 )
Update sinon-chai to the latest version 🚀 (#89 )
Update nyc to the latest version 🚀 (#85 )
Update ramda to the latest version 🚀 (#86 )
Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 (#82 )
Update eslint (#81 )
Bug Fixes
Reduce cyclomatic complexity to fix build (#117 )
Use files whitelist instead of .npmignore (#100 )
Switch to babel-preset-env (#99 )
Add node 8 test environment (#98 )
Move to nyc for code coverage (#80 )
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