A log4net "appender" for logging to Loggr. You should be able to drop in the binaries and configure the appender and log4net will automatically log to your Loggr log.
NOTICE: This agent requires the full version of the .Net Framework, client profiles will not work
- Drop the binaries in the /bin folder of your app (if you already have the log4net.dll, you don't need to copy that)
- Add lines to your web.config or app.config
Sample lines for your *.config file
<sectionGroup name="loggr">
<section name="log" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"/>
<add key="logKey" value="#####"/>
<add key="apiKey" value="#####"/>
-- tags: allows you to specify additional tags to add for each event (space delimited)
-- source: allows you to specify a default source if event is missing one
<add key="tags" value="#####"/>
<add key="source" value="######"/>
Sample log4net config to use the Appender (add to log4net section)
<appender name="LoggrAppender" type="Loggr.Log4Net.Appender,loggr-log4net"></appender>
<appender-ref ref="LoggrAppender" />
When properly configured you shouldn't have to change your logging code. This Appender includes the loggr-dotnet agent, so you can add a reference to that and make better use of the Loggr posting API.
For more details, see http://loggr.net/docs