Loggr agent to post events. Includes a fluent interface to posting events.
- Just copy the loggr.php file to your PHP application
- Reference the file using 'require_once'
Here's some sample code to get you started...
require_once 'loggr.php';
// creating class for using fluent syntax
$loggr = new Loggr("myfirstlog", "db961642e48e48e4ab00ef60c90fa29e");
// create a simple event
->Text("Simple fluent event")
// more complex event
$world = "World";
->TextF("hello%s", $world)
->Tags("tag1 tag2 tag3")
->Geo(-14.456, 73.6879)
// trace a variable
$var = "TEST VAR";
->Text("Tracing TEST VAR")
// trace an exception
try {
$error = 'Always throw this error';
throw new Exception($error);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// alternatively you can use a non-fluent syntax
$client = new LogClient("myfirstlog", "db961642e48e48e4ab00ef60c90fa29e");
// create a simple event
$ev = new Event();
$ev->Text = "Simple non-fluent event";
For more information check out our docs site http://docs.loggr.net