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hei411 committed Feb 10, 2025
1 parent 8d39386 commit a85d773
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 0 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/examples/random_counter/client2.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
From clutch.prelude Require Import fin.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris par spawn.
From clutch.coneris.examples Require Import random_counter.random_counter.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Section client.
Context `{rc:random_counter} {L: counterG Σ}.
Definition con_prog : expr :=
let: "c" := new_counter #() in
let: "lbl" := allocate_tape #() in
(incr_counter_tape "c" "lbl");;
let: "v" := read_counter "c" in
incr_counter_tape "c" "lbl";;
let: "v'" := read_counter "c" - "v" in
#4*"v" + "v'"

Context `{!spawnG Σ}.

Lemma con_prog_spec P E N:
E ## ↑N ->
{{{ |={E,∅}=>
∃ ε (ε2 : fin 16%nat -> R),
↯ ε ∗ ⌜(∀ x, 0<=ε2 x)%R⌝∗
⌜(SeriesC (λ n, 1 / 16 * ε2 n)%R <= ε)%R ⌝ ∗
(∀ n, ↯ (ε2 n) ={∅, E}=∗ P ε ε2 n ) }}}
{{{ (n:fin 16%nat), RET #(fin_to_nat n); ∃ ε ε2, P ε ε2 n }}}.
iIntros (Hnotin Φ) "Hvs HΦ".
rewrite /con_prog.
wp_apply (new_counter_spec (L:=L) _ N with "[//]") as (c) "(%γ & #Hcounter & Hfrag)".
wp_apply (allocate_tape_spec with "[$]") as (lbl) "Htape"; first done.
iAssert (state_update ⊤ ⊤ (∃ ε ε2 (n1 n2:fin 4) n,
⌜(fin_to_nat n= 4*fin_to_nat n1 + fin_to_nat n2)%nat⌝ ∗
counter_tapes lbl [fin_to_nat n1; fin_to_nat n2] ∗
P ε ε2 n))%I with "[Hvs Htape]" as ">(%&%&%&%&%&%Heq&Htape&HP)".
{ iDestruct (fupd_mask_frame_r with "[$]") as "Hvs"; first done.
rewrite union_empty_l_L.
iApply state_update_mono_fupd'; last iMod "Hvs" as "(%&%&Herr&%&%Hsum&Hvs)"; first done.
iMod (counter_tapes_presample _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ x, SeriesC (λ (y:fin 4), 1/4* ε2 (fin_force _ (4*fin_to_nat x+ fin_to_nat y))))%R with "[//][$][$]") as "(%n &Herr & Htape)".
- done.
- intros. apply SeriesC_ge_0'. intros. apply Rmult_le_pos; [lra|naive_solver].
- rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/=.
rewrite !SeriesC_finite_foldr/=.
rewrite /fin_force/=.
rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/= in Hsum. lra.
- iMod (counter_tapes_presample _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ x, ε2 (fin_force _ (4*fin_to_nat n+ fin_to_nat x )))%R with "[//][$][$]") as "(%n' &Herr & Htape)".
+ done.
+ by intros.
+ done.
+ simpl.
iDestruct (fupd_mask_frame_r with "[Herr Hvs]") as "Hvs"; [|iApply ("Hvs" with "Herr") |]; first apply namespaces.coPset_disjoint_empty_l.
rewrite union_empty_l_L.
iMod "Hvs". iFrame.
pose proof fin_to_nat_lt n.
pose proof fin_to_nat_lt n'.
rewrite /fin_force; case_match; try lia.
rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin. lia.
wp_apply (incr_counter_tape_spec_some _ _ _ _ (λ _, counter_content_frag γ 1 (fin_to_nat n1)) with "[$Hcounter $Htape Hfrag]"); try done.
{ iIntros. by iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$$]". }
iIntros (?) "[Htape Hfrag]".
wp_apply (read_counter_spec _ _ _ _ (λ n, counter_content_frag _ _ _∗ ⌜(n=fin_to_nat n1)%nat⌝)%I with "[$Hcounter Hfrag]"); first done.
{ iIntros.
iDestruct (counter_content_agree with "[$][$]") as "->".
by iFrame.
iIntros (?) "[Hfrag ->]".
wp_apply (incr_counter_tape_spec_some _ _ _ _ (λ _, counter_content_frag γ 1 (fin_to_nat n1 + fin_to_nat n2)) with "[$Hcounter $Htape Hfrag]"); try done.
{ iIntros. by iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$$]". }
iIntros (?) "[Htape Hfrag]".
wp_apply (read_counter_spec _ _ _ _ (λ n, counter_content_frag _ _ _∗ ⌜(n=fin_to_nat n1+fin_to_nat n2)%nat⌝)%I with "[$Hcounter Hfrag]"); first done.
{ iIntros.
iDestruct (counter_content_agree with "[$][$]") as "->".
by iFrame.
iIntros (?) "[Hfrag ->]".
wp_pures. replace (4*_+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (fin_to_nat n))%Z; first (iApply "HΦ"; by iFrame).
rewrite Heq. lia.
End client.

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