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add two bind lemmas from paper
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hei411 committed Mar 5, 2024
1 parent fdf1d0a commit b97db5c
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 136 deletions.
162 changes: 26 additions & 136 deletions theories/ub_logic/ub_rules.v
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Expand Up @@ -726,143 +726,33 @@ Proof.

(** A few comments about the wp_bind_adv lemma
1. One need to reformulate the SeriesC condition.
The one I have is not correct.
2. What induction should we use? iLöb? Structural induction on e?
3. Not sure whether we have sufficient lemmas to prove what we want
(** Here below I try structural induction on e, hoping to use the rand adv composition rule
for the rand expression
(* Lemma wp_bind_adv e `{Hctx:!LanguageCtx K} s E ε1 ε2 Φ: *)
(* (⌜∀ σ, SeriesC (λ v, lim_exec (e, σ) v * nonneg (ε2 v))%R = nonneg ε1⌝) -∗ *)
(* WP e @ s; E {{ v, € (ε2 v) -∗ WP K (of_val v) @ s; E {{ Φ }} }} -∗ € ε1 -∗ WP K e @ s; E {{ Φ }}. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "%Haverage Hwp Herr". *)
(* iInduction e as [] "IH" forall (E ε1 ε2 Φ Haverage) "Herr Hwp". *)
(* - wp_apply ub_wp_bind. wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[$]"). *)
(* iIntros (?) "H". simpl. wp_apply "H". admit. *)
(* - admit. *)
(* - wp_pures. admit. *)
(* - admit. *)
(* - *)

Lemma wp_bind_adv e `{Hctx:!LanguageCtx K} s E ε1 ε2 Φ:
(⌜∀ σ, SeriesC (λ v, lim_exec (e, σ) v * nonneg (ε2 v))%R = nonneg ε1⌝) -∗
WP e @ s; E {{ v, € (ε2 v) -∗ WP K (of_val v) @ s; E {{ Φ }} }} -∗ € ε1 -∗ WP K e @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
Lemma wp_bind_err_simpl e `{Hctx:!LanguageCtx K} s E ε1 ε2 P (Q : val -> iProp Σ) Φ:
(€ ε1 -∗ P -∗ WP e @ s; E {{ Q }}) -∗
(∀ x, Q x -∗ € ε2 -∗ WP K (Val x) @ s ; E {{ Φ }}) -∗
P -∗ € (ε1+ε2)%NNR -∗ WP K e @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
(** Here I attempt to use iLöb*)
iIntros "%Haverage Hwp Herr".
iLöb as "IH" forall (e E ε1 ε2 Φ Haverage) "Herr Hwp".
(* destruct e eqn:He. *)
(* - wp_apply ub_wp_bind. wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[$]"). *)
(* iIntros (?) "H". simpl. wp_apply "H". admit. *)
(* - admit. *)
(* - *)
rewrite ub_wp_unfold /ub_wp_pre.
destruct (to_val e) as [v|] eqn:He.
{ apply of_to_val in He as <-. simpl. iMod "Hwp". iApply "Hwp".
assert (ε2 v = ε1) as ->; last done.
apply nnreal_ext.
erewrite <-Haverage.
erewrite SeriesC_ext; last first.
- intros. erewrite lim_exec_final; last done. reflexivity.
- erewrite SeriesC_ext; first by erewrite SeriesC_singleton.
intros. simpl. instantiate (1 := v).
case_bool_decide; first subst.
+ rewrite dret_1_1; [lra|done].
+ rewrite dret_0; [lra|done].
case_match; first simplify_eq/=.
rewrite ub_wp_unfold /ub_wp_pre language.fill_not_val /=;[|done].
iIntros (σ1 ε) "[Hσ Hε]".
iMod ("Hwp" $! σ1 with "[$Hσ $Hε]") as "H".
iApply exec_ub_bind; [done|].
iApply exec_ub_adv_comp.
iExists _, _, _.
repeat iSplit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- iIntros. iModIntro.
iApply exec_stutter_free. iModIntro.

(* { specialize (Haverage σ1). *)
(* rewrite (lim_exec_step) in Haverage. *)
(* rewrite /dbind/pmf/dbind_pmf in Haverage. *)
(* setoid_rewrite <-SeriesC_scal_r in Haverage. *)
(* setoid_rewrite Rmult_assoc in Haverage. *)
(* pose proof(fubini_pos_seriesC (λ '(v, x), (step_or_final (e, σ1) x * (lim_exec x v * ε2 v))%R)). *)
(* simpl in H0. admit. *)
(* } *)

(* (** Trying many ways*) *)
(* (** Here I get stuck. Perhaps induction on exec_ub help? *)
(* Note that exec_ub_mono should not work*) *)
(* iPoseProof (exec_ub_strong_ind (λ e σ1 ε, exec_ub e σ1 ε *)
(* (λ '(e2, σ2) (ε' : nonnegreal), *)
(* ▷ (|={∅,E}=> (heap_auth 1 (heap σ2) ∗ tapes_auth 1 (tapes σ2)) ∗ ec_supply ε' ∗ *)
(* WP K e2 @ s; E {{ v, Φ v }}))))%I as "K". *)
(* iApply ("K" with "[][$H]"). *)
(* iModIntro. iIntros (???) "[H|H]". *)
(* - iDestruct "H" as "(%&%&%&%&%&%&%&H)". *)
(* iApply exec_ub_adv_comp. *)
(* iExists _, _, _. *)
(* repeat iSplit; try done. *)
(* + iIntros (???). iMod ("H"$! _ _ H4) as "H". *)
(* iModIntro. iApply exec_stutter_free. iModIntro. *)

(* (**) *)

(** Attempt on exec_ub_adv_comp. This should not work since I should take H into account*)
(* iApply exec_ub_adv_comp. *)
(* specialize (Haverage σ1). *)
(* iExists (λ s, language.prim_step e σ1 s > 0)%R, _, _. *)
(* iSplit; [admit|]. *)
(* iSplit; [admit|]. *)
(* iSplit; [admit|]. *)
(* iSplit; [admit|]. *)
(* iIntros (???). *)
(* iModIntro. *)
(* iApply exec_stutter_free. *)
(* iModIntro. *)

(** Neither strong mono or mono works*)
(* iApply (exec_ub_strong_mono with "[//][Herr Haverage][$]"). *)
(* iIntros (???) "[[%%]Hwp]". *)
(* iModIntro. iMod "Hwp" as "(Hσ & Hρ & H)". *)
(* iModIntro. iFrame. *)
(* iApply ub_wp_bind. iApply (ub_wp_wand with "[$]"). *)
(* iIntros. *)
(* iApply ("IH" with "[//][$][Haverage]"). *)
(* - admit. *)
(* - wp_pures. done. *)

(* iApply exec_ub_adv_comp'. *)
(* iExists (λ _, True), ε2. *)

(* (* *) *)
(* iApply (exec_ub_mono with "[] [Herr] H"). *)
(* - iPureIntro; lra. *)
(* - iIntros (? [e2 σ2]) "H". *)
(* iModIntro. *)
(* iMod "H" as "(Hσ & Hρ & H)". *)
(* iModIntro. *)
(* iFrame. *)
(* wp_apply ub_wp_bind. wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[$]"). *)
(* iIntros (?) "H". wp_apply ("IH" with "[][$]"); last first. *)
(* + wp_pures. done. *)
(* + *)

iIntros "H1 H2 HP Hε".
iApply ub_wp_bind.
iDestruct ("Hε") as "[He1 He2]".
iApply (ub_wp_wand with "[H1 He1 HP]").
{ by iApply ("H1" with "[$]"). }
iIntros (v) "HQ".
iApply ("H2" with "[$]"). done.

Lemma wp_bind_err_exp e `{Hctx:!LanguageCtx K} s E ε1 ε2 P (Q : val -> iProp Σ) Φ:
(€ ε1 -∗ P -∗ WP e @ s; E {{ v, € (ε2 v) ∗ (Q v)}}) -∗
(∀ x, Q x -∗ € (ε2 x) -∗ WP K (Val x) @ s ; E {{ Φ }}) -∗
P -∗ € ε1 -∗ WP K e @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "H1 H2 HP Hε".
iApply ub_wp_bind.
iApply (ub_wp_wand with "[H1 Hε HP]").
{ instantiate (1 := (λ v, € (ε2 v) ∗ Q v)%I). by iApply ("H1" with "[$]"). }
iIntros (v) "[Hε HQ]".
iApply ("H2" with "[$]"). done.

(** * Approximate Lifting *)
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