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merkle tree example when hash is correct
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hei411 committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 8e7cc92 commit d7e2672
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 22 deletions.
93 changes: 71 additions & 22 deletions theories/ub_logic/merkle_tree.v
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Expand Up @@ -49,26 +49,30 @@ Section merkle_tree.

Definition map_valid (m:gmap nat Z) : Prop := coll_free m.

Definition root_hash_value_program : val :=
λ: "ltree",
match: "ltree" with
| InjL "x" => Fst "x"
| InjR "x" => let, ("a", "b", "c") := "x" in "a"

Definition compute_hash_from_leaf : val :=
rec: "compute_hash_from_leaf" "ltree" "lhmf" "ll" "lf" :=
rec: "compute_hash_from_leaf" "ltree" "lhmf" "ll" "lleaf" :=
match: "ltree" with
| InjL "x" => "lhmf" "lf"
| InjL "x" => "lhmf" "lleaf"
| InjR "x" => let: "b" := (match: list_head "ll" with
| SOME "a" => "a"
| NONE => #()
) in
let: "ll'" := (match: list_tail "ll" with
| SOME "a" => "a"
| NONE => #()
) in
let, ("l", "r") := Snd "x" in
let: "ll'" := list_tail "ll" in
let, ("notneeded", "l", "r") := "x" in
if: "b"
then "lhmf"
(("compute_hash_from_leaf" "l" "lhmf" "ll'" "lleaf")*#(2^val_bit_size)+"r")
(("compute_hash_from_leaf" "l" "lhmf" "ll'" "lleaf")*#(2^val_bit_size)+
root_hash_value_program "r")
else "lhmf"
("l"*#(2^val_bit_size)+("compute_hash_from_leaf" "r" "lhmf" "ll'" "lleaf"))
((root_hash_value_program "l")*#(2^val_bit_size)+("compute_hash_from_leaf" "r" "lhmf" "ll'" "lleaf"))

Expand All @@ -83,10 +87,20 @@ Section merkle_tree.
tree_value_match (Branch h l r) v (false::xs).

(** Lemmas *)

Lemma wp_root_hash_value_program n lt tree E:
{{{ ⌜tree_relate n lt tree⌝ }}}
root_hash_value_program lt @ E
{{{ (retv:Z), RET #retv; ⌜retv = root_hash_value tree⌝}}}.
iIntros (Φ) "%H HΦ".
rewrite /root_hash_value_program. wp_pures.
inversion H.
- wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iPureIntro.
- wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iPureIntro.

(** Spec *)
Lemma wp_correct_check (ltree:val) (tree:merkle_tree) (m:gmap nat Z) (v:nat) (path:list bool) llist f E:
Lemma wp_compute_hash_from_leaf_correct (ltree:val) (tree:merkle_tree) (m:gmap nat Z) (v:nat) (path:list bool) llist f E:
{{{ ⌜tree_relate height ltree tree⌝ ∗
⌜tree_valid tree m⌝ ∗
hashfun_amortized (val_size-1)%nat max_hash_size f m ∗
Expand All @@ -100,19 +114,54 @@ Section merkle_tree.
iIntros (Φ) "(%Htrelate&%Htvalid&H&%Hlsit&%Hvmatch&%Hmvalid) HΦ".
revert Htrelate Htvalid Hlsit Hvmatch Hmvalid.
revert height ltree v path llist f.
induction tree.
- intros.
rewrite /compute_hash_from_leaf.
iInduction tree as [|] "IH"
forall (height ltree v path llist f Htrelate Htvalid Hlsit Hvmatch Hmvalid Φ).
- rewrite /compute_hash_from_leaf.
wp_pures. inversion Htrelate; subst.
inversion Htrelate. inversion Htvalid. inversion Hvmatch. subst.
wp_apply (wp_hashfun_prev_amortized with "[$]").
+ lia.
+ admit.
+ admit.

- admit.
+ done.
+ iIntros. iApply "HΦ". iFrame. by iPureIntro.
- rewrite /compute_hash_from_leaf.
inversion Htrelate. inversion Htvalid. inversion Hvmatch; subst.
+ wp_pures. wp_apply wp_list_head; first done. iIntros (v') "[[%%]|(%&%&%&%)]"; first done.
subst. inversion H; subst. wp_pures. rewrite -/compute_hash_from_leaf.
wp_apply wp_list_tail; first done. iIntros (v') "%". wp_pures.
wp_apply wp_root_hash_value_program; try done.
iIntros (x) "->".
wp_apply ("IH" with "[][][][][][H][HΦ]"); try done.
iModIntro. iIntros (?) "[H ->]".
replace (_*_+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (root_hash_value tree1 * 2 ^ val_bit_size + root_hash_value tree2)); last first.
{ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add. f_equal. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul. f_equal.
apply Z2Nat.inj_pow.
wp_apply (wp_hashfun_prev_amortized with "H").
* lia.
* done.
* iIntros "H". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+ wp_pures. wp_apply wp_list_head; first done. iIntros (v') "[[%%]|(%&%&%&%)]"; first done.
subst. inversion H; subst. wp_pures. rewrite -/compute_hash_from_leaf.
wp_apply wp_list_tail; first done. iIntros (v') "%". wp_pures.
wp_apply ("IH1" with "[][][][][][H][HΦ]"); try done.
iModIntro. iIntros (?) "[H ->]".
wp_apply wp_root_hash_value_program; try done.
iIntros (x) "->".
replace (_*_+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (root_hash_value tree1 * 2 ^ val_bit_size + root_hash_value tree2)); last first.
{ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add. f_equal. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul. f_equal.
apply Z2Nat.inj_pow.
wp_apply (wp_hashfun_prev_amortized with "H").
* lia.
* done.
* iIntros "H". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.

End merkle_tree.

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