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simongregersen committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent 515c97f commit d8cbc8f
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Showing 4 changed files with 123 additions and 215 deletions.
92 changes: 4 additions & 88 deletions theories/prob/distribution.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -506,6 +506,10 @@ Section monadic.
(a ← μ ; b ← f a; g b) = (b ← (a ← μ; f a); g b).
Proof. apply distr_ext, dbind_assoc_pmf. Qed.

Lemma dbind_assoc' `{Countable B'} (f : A → distr B) (g : B → distr B') (μ : distr A) :
μ ≫= (λ a, f a ≫= g) = (μ ≫= f) ≫= g.
Proof. rewrite dbind_assoc //. Qed.

Lemma dbind_comm `{Countable B'} (f : A → B → distr B') (μ1 : distr A) (μ2 : distr B):
(a ← μ1 ; b ← μ2; f a b) = (b ← μ2; a ← μ1; f a b).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,94 +727,6 @@ Section probabilities.

End probabilities.

Section probability_prop.
Context `{Countable A}.

Lemma prob_dret_true (a : A) (P : A → bool) :
P a = true → prob (dret a) P = 1.
intro HP.
rewrite /prob/pmf/=/dret_pmf/=.
erewrite SeriesC_ext; [apply SeriesC_singleton|].

Lemma prob_dret_false (a : A) (P : A → bool) :
P a = false → prob (dret a) P = 0.
intro HP.
rewrite /prob/pmf/=/dret_pmf/=.
apply SeriesC_0. real_solver.

Lemma prob_dbind `{Countable B} (μ : distr A) (f : A → distr B) (P : B → bool) :
prob (dbind f μ) P = SeriesC (λ a, μ a * prob (f a) P).
rewrite /prob{1}/pmf/=/dbind_pmf/=.
assert (∀ a,
(if P a then SeriesC (λ a0 : A, μ a0 * f a0 a) else 0) =
SeriesC (λ a0 : A, if P a then μ a0 * f a0 a else 0)) as Haux.
{intro a. destruct (P a); [done|]. rewrite SeriesC_0 //. }
setoid_rewrite Haux.
rewrite -(fubini_pos_seriesC (λ '(a, a0), if P a then μ a0 * f a0 a else 0)).
- apply SeriesC_ext=> a.
rewrite -SeriesC_scal_l.
apply SeriesC_ext; intro b.
- real_solver.
- intro b.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ μ); [|done].
- apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (λ a : B, SeriesC (λ b : A, μ b * f b a))).
+ intro b; split.
* apply SeriesC_ge_0'. real_solver.
* apply SeriesC_le; [real_solver|].
apply pmf_ex_seriesC_mult_fn.
exists 1. real_solver.
+ apply (pmf_ex_seriesC (dbind f μ)).

Lemma union_bound (μ : distr A) (P Q : A → bool) :
prob μ (λ a, andb (P a) (P a)) <= prob μ P + prob μ Q.
rewrite /prob.
rewrite -SeriesC_plus.
- apply SeriesC_le.
+ intro n.
pose proof (pmf_pos μ n).
destruct (P n); destruct (Q n); real_solver.
+ apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (λ x, 2 * μ x)).
* intro n.
pose proof (pmf_pos μ n).
destruct (P n); destruct (Q n); real_solver.
* by apply ex_seriesC_scal_l.
- by apply ex_seriesC_filter_bool_pos.
- by apply ex_seriesC_filter_bool_pos.

End probability_prop.

Section probabilities.
Context `{Countable A}.
Implicit Types μ d : distr A.

Definition prob (μ : distr A) (P : A → bool) : R :=
SeriesC (λ a : A, if (P a) then μ a else 0).

Lemma prob_le_1 (μ : distr A) (P : A → bool) :
prob μ P <= 1.
transitivity (SeriesC μ); [|done].
apply SeriesC_le; [|done].

Lemma prob_ge_0 (μ : distr A) (P : A → bool) :
0 <= prob μ P.
Proof. apply SeriesC_ge_0'=> a. real_solver. Qed.

End probabilities.

Section probability_lemmas.
Context `{Countable A}.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/prob/markov.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ Section iter_markov.
{ rewrite /ϵ' /=. pose proof (cond_pos ϵ). nra. }
edestruct (IHm ϵ') as [k2 Hk2]; [simpl; lra|].
destruct (iter_markov_terminates_0_eps ϵ' a Ha) as [k1 Hk1].
exists (k1 + k2)%nat.
exists (S(k1 + k2)).
eapply Rlt_le_trans; [apply H|].
etrans; [|eapply iter_markov_plus_ge].
assert (1 + ϵ' * ϵ' - 2 * ϵ' = (1 - ϵ') * (1 - ϵ')) as -> by lra.
Expand Down

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