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improve lazy rand module
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hei411 committed Feb 11, 2025
1 parent 784bd6e commit de9dac6
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 150 deletions.
174 changes: 78 additions & 96 deletions theories/coneris/examples/lazy_rand/lazy_rand_impl.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
From iris.algebra Require Import gmap.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris abstract_tape hocap_rand_alt lock lazy_rand_interface.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris hocap_rand_alt lock lazy_rand_interface.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Section impl.
Hv: !ghost_mapG Σ () (option (nat*nat)),
lo:lock, Hl: lockG Σ,
(* Hv: !inG Σ (excl_authR (optionO (prodO natO natO))), *)
Ht: !abstract_tapesGS Σ,
(* Ht: !abstract_tapesGS Σ, *)
Hr: !rand_spec' val_size

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ Section impl.

Definition rand_tape_frag α n γ :=
(rand_tapes α (option_to_list n) γ.1 ∗ α ◯↪N ( val_size ; option_to_list n ) @ γ.2)%I.
(rand_tapes α (option_to_list n) γ )%I.

Definition rand_tape_auth m γ :=(([∗ set] α∈ dom m, rand_token α γ.1) ∗
● ((λ x, (val_size, option_to_list x))<$>m) @ γ.2)%I.
(* Definition rand_tape_auth m γ :=(([∗ set] α∈ dom m, rand_token α γ.1) ∗ *)
(* ● ((λ x, (val_size, option_to_list x))<$>m) @ γ.2)%I. *)

Definition abstract_lazy_rand_inv N γ_tape:=
(inv (N.@"tape") (∃ m, rand_tape_auth m γ_tape) ∗ is_rand (N.@"rand") γ_tape.1)%I.
( is_rand (N) γ_tape)%I.

Definition option_to_gmap n : gmap () (option (nat*nat)):=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,47 +116,43 @@ Section impl.
abstract_lazy_rand_inv N γ_tape ∗
is_lock (L:=Hl) γ_lock lk (∃ res, P res ∗ rand_auth res γ_view ∗ l↦(option_to_val res)))%I.

Lemma rand_tape_presample_impl N c P {HP:∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock E m α ε (ε2:fin (S val_size) -> R):
↑(N.@"rand")⊆E ->
Lemma rand_tape_presample_impl N c P {HP:∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock E α ε (ε2:fin (S val_size) -> R):
↑(N)⊆E ->
(∀ x, (0 <= ε2 x)%R)->
(SeriesC (λ n : fin (S val_size), 1 / S val_size * ε2 n) <= ε)%R ->
lazy_rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗
rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ rand_tape_frag α None γ -∗ ↯ ε -∗
rand_tape_frag α None γ -∗ ↯ ε -∗
state_update E E (∃ n,
↯ (ε2 n) ∗
rand_tape_auth (<[α:=Some (fin_to_nat n)]>m) γ ∗
rand_tape_frag α (Some (fin_to_nat n)) γ).
iIntros (???) "(%&%&->&#[? Hinv]&#?) [Htokens Htauth] [Htape Hfrag] Herr".
iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%H'".
rewrite lookup_fmap in H'. apply fmap_Some_1 in H'.
destruct H' as (?&Hsome&?). simplify_eq.
iIntros (???) "(%&%&->&# Hinv&#?) Htape Herr".
(* iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%H'". *)
(* rewrite lookup_fmap in H'. apply fmap_Some_1 in H'. *)
(* destruct H' as (?&Hsome&?). simplify_eq. *)
iMod (rand_tapes_presample with "[$][$][$]") as "(%&Htape&?)"; try done.
iMod (abstract_tapes_presample with "[$][$]") as "[? H]".
iFrame. iModIntro.
iSplitL "Htokens".
- by rewrite dom_insert_lookup_L.
- by rewrite fmap_insert.
(* iMod (abstract_tapes_presample with "[$][$]") as "[? H]". *)
by iFrame.

Lemma lazy_rand_presample_impl N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock Q
E :
↑(N.@"tape") ⊆ E ->
lazy_rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗
(∀ m, rand_tape_auth m γ -∗
state_update (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) (E∖↑(N.@"tape"))
(∃ m', rand_tape_auth m' γ ∗ Q m m')
) -∗
state_update E E (
∃ m m', Q m m'
iIntros (?) "(%&%&->&#[Hinv ?]&#?) Hvs".
iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&?)" "Hclose".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%&?&?)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$]") as "_".
by iFrame.
(* Lemma lazy_rand_presample_impl N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock Q *)
(* E : *)
(* ↑(N.@"tape") ⊆ E -> *)
(* lazy_rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗ *)
(* (∀ m, rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ *)
(* state_update (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) *)
(* (∃ m', rand_tape_auth m' γ ∗ Q m m') *)
(* ) -∗ *)
(* state_update E E ( *)
(* ∃ m m', Q m m' *)
(* ). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros (?) "(%&%&->&#[Hinv ?]&#?) Hvs". *)
(* iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&?)" "Hclose". *)
(* iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%&?&?)". *)
(* iMod ("Hclose" with "[$]") as "_". *)
(* by iFrame. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma lazy_rand_init_impl N P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} :
{{{ P None }}}
Expand All @@ -181,93 +177,78 @@ Section impl.
iIntros (??) "#Hlock".
iMod (rand_inv_create_spec) as "(%&#Hrand)"; last first.
- iMod (abstract_tapes_alloc ∅) as "(%&Hm&_)".
iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (∃ m, rand_tape_auth m (_,_)) with "[Hm]") as "#Hinv".
{ iNext. iExists ∅. rewrite /rand_tape_auth. rewrite fmap_empty.
iFrame. by rewrite dom_empty_L. }
- (* iMod (abstract_tapes_alloc ∅) as "(%&Hm&_)". *)
(* iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (∃ m, rand_tape_auth m (_,_)) with "[Hm]") as "#Hinv". *)
(* { iNext. iExists ∅. rewrite /rand_tape_auth. rewrite fmap_empty. *)
(* iFrame. by rewrite dom_empty_L. } *)
iApply "HΦ". iFrame "Hlock".
rewrite /abstract_lazy_rand_inv. iExists (_,_).
by iFrame "Hrand Hinv".
rewrite /abstract_lazy_rand_inv. iExists _.
by iFrame "Hrand".
- done.

Lemma lazy_rand_alloc_tape_impl N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock Q:
{{{ lazy_rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock ∗
(∀ (m:gmap val (option nat)) α, ⌜α∉dom m⌝ -∗ |={⊤∖↑N.@"tape"}=> Q α)
Lemma lazy_rand_alloc_tape_impl N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock :
{{{ lazy_rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock
allocate_tape_prog #()
{{{ (α: val), RET α; rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape ∗ Q α }}}.
{{{ (α: val), RET α; rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[(%&%&->&#[Hinv ?]&_) Hvs] HΦ".
iIntros (Φ) "(%&%&->&#Hinv &_) HΦ".
rewrite /allocate_tape_prog.
iApply pgl_wp_fupd.
wp_apply (rand_allocate_tape_spec with "[//]") as (α) "[Htoken Hrand]"; first done.
iInv "Hinv" as ">(%m&Htokens&Hauth)" "Hclose".
iAssert (⌜α∉dom m⌝)%I as "%".
{ iIntros "%H".
rewrite big_sepS_elem_of_acc; last done.
iDestruct "Htokens" as "[? ?]".
iApply (rand_token_exclusive with "[$][$]").
iMod ("Hvs" with "[//]") as "HQ".
iMod (abstract_tapes_new with "[$]") as "[Hauth Htape]"; last first.
- iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hauth Htoken Htokens]").
+ iExists (<[_:=_]> _). rewrite /rand_tape_auth. rewrite fmap_insert. iFrame.
rewrite dom_insert_L big_sepS_insert; last done.
+ iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
- rewrite lookup_fmap. apply not_elem_of_dom_1 in H. by rewrite H.
iApply "HΦ".
by iFrame.

Lemma lazy_rand_spec_impl N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock Q1 Q2 α (tid:nat):
{{{ lazy_rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock ∗
( ∀ n m, P n -∗ rand_auth n γ_view -∗ rand_tape_auth m γ_tape -∗ state_update (⊤∖↑N.@"tape") (⊤∖↑N.@"tape")
( ∀ n, P n -∗ rand_auth n γ_view -∗ state_update (⊤) (⊤)
match n with
| Some (res, tid') => P n ∗ rand_auth n γ_view ∗ rand_tape_auth m γ_tape ∗ Q1 res tid'
| None => ∃ n', rand_tape_frag α (Some n') γ_tape ∗ rand_tape_auth (<[α:=Some n']> m) γ_tape ∗
| Some (res, tid') => P n ∗ rand_auth n γ_view ∗ Q1 res tid'
| None => ∃ n', rand_tape_frag α (Some n') γ_tape ∗
(rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape
={⊤∖↑N.@"tape"}=∗ P (Some (n', tid)) ∗ rand_auth (Some (n', tid)) γ_view ∗ Q2 n' tid)
={⊤}=∗ P (Some (n', tid)) ∗ rand_auth (Some (n', tid)) γ_view ∗ Q2 n' tid)
lazy_read_rand_prog c α #tid
lazy_read_rand_prog c α #tid
{{{ (res' tid':nat), RET (#res', #tid')%V; (Q1 res' tid' ∨
Q2 res' tid'
iIntros (Φ) "[(%&%&->&#[Hinv ?]&#Hlock) Hvs] HΦ".
iIntros (Φ) "[(%&%&->&#Hinv&#Hlock) Hvs] HΦ".
rewrite /lazy_read_rand_prog. wp_pures.
wp_apply (acquire_spec with "[$]") as "[Hl (%res&HP&(Hauth & Hfrag & %Hvalid)&Hloc)]".
iApply state_update_pgl_wp.
iInv ("Hinv") as ">(%&Htokens&Htauth)" "Hclose".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$][$Hauth $Hfrag//][$]") as "Hcont".
(* iInv ("Hinv") as ">(%&Htokens&Htauth)" "Hclose". *)
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$][$Hauth $Hfrag//]") as "Hcont".
destruct res as [[]|].
- iDestruct "Hcont" as "(HP&Hauth &Htauth&HQ)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Htauth]") as "_".
- iDestruct "Hcont" as "(HP&Hauth &HQ)".
iModIntro. wp_pures.
wp_apply (release_spec with "[$Hlock $Hl $HP $Hloc $Hauth]").
iIntros. wp_pures.
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
- iDestruct "Hcont" as "(%&[Ht Htfrag] &[Htokens Htauth] & Hvs)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Htauth $Htokens]") as "_".
- iDestruct "Hcont" as "(%&Ht & Hvs)".
(* iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Htauth $Htokens]") as "_". *)
iModIntro. wp_pures.
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some with "[$]") as "Htape"; first done.
iApply fupd_pgl_wp.
iInv ("Hinv") as ">(%&Htokens&Htauth)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%Hsome".
apply lookup_fmap_Some in Hsome.
destruct Hsome as ([x|]&?&Hsome); simplify_eq.
iMod (abstract_tapes_pop with "[$][$]") as "[Hauth Htape']".
(* iInv ("Hinv") as ">(%&Htokens&Htauth)" "Hclose". *)
(* iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%Hsome". *)
(* apply lookup_fmap_Some in Hsome. *)
(* destruct Hsome as ([x|]&?&Hsome); simplify_eq. *)
(* iMod (abstract_tapes_pop with "[$][$]") as "[Hauth Htape']". *)
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(HP&Hrand&HQ)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hauth Htokens]") as "_".
{ iExists (<[_:=None]>_).
rewrite /rand_tape_auth. rewrite fmap_insert.
rewrite dom_insert_lookup_L; last done. iFrame.
(* iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hauth Htokens]") as "_". *)
(* { iExists (<[_:=None]>_). *)
(* rewrite /rand_tape_auth. rewrite fmap_insert. *)
(* rewrite dom_insert_lookup_L; last done. iFrame. *)
(* } *)
Expand All @@ -282,12 +263,12 @@ Section impl.
allocate_tape := allocate_tape_prog;
lazy_read_rand := lazy_read_rand_prog;
lazy_rand_interface.rand_tape_frag := rand_tape_frag;
lazy_rand_interface.rand_tape_auth := rand_tape_auth;
(* lazy_rand_interface.rand_tape_auth := rand_tape_auth; *)
lazy_rand_interface.rand_auth := rand_auth;
lazy_rand_interface.rand_frag := rand_frag;
(* lazy_rand_presample:=lazy_rand_presample_impl; *)
Expand All @@ -298,22 +279,22 @@ Section impl.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /rand_tape_frag/=.
iIntros (???) "[??]".
iIntros (???) "?".
iDestruct (rand_tapes_valid with "[$]") as "%H".
by rewrite Forall_singleton in H.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /rand_tape_frag.
iIntros (????) "[??][??]".
iIntros (????) "??".
iApply (rand_tapes_exclusive with "[$][$]").
Next Obligation.
rewrite /rand_tape_auth/rand_tape_frag.
iIntros (?? x ?) "[??][??]".
iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%Hsome".
apply lookup_fmap_Some in Hsome.
by destruct Hsome as ([[]|]&?&Hsome); destruct x; simplify_eq.
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* rewrite /rand_tape_auth/rand_tape_frag. *)
(* iIntros (?? x ?) "[??][??]". *)
(* iDestruct (abstract_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%Hsome". *)
(* apply lookup_fmap_Some in Hsome. *)
(* by destruct Hsome as ([[]|]&?&Hsome); destruct x; simplify_eq. *)
(* Qed. *)
Next Obligation.
rewrite /rand_auth.
iIntros (???) "[??][??]".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,4 +335,5 @@ Section impl.
by iMod (ghost_map_elem_persist with "[$]") as "$".

End impl.
54 changes: 26 additions & 28 deletions theories/coneris/examples/lazy_rand/lazy_rand_interface.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ Class lazy_rand `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Lazy_Rand
rand_inv (N:namespace) (c: val) (P: option (nat*nat) -> iProp Σ) {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)}
(γ:rand_tape_gname) (γ':rand_view_gname) (γ_lock:rand_lock_gname): iProp Σ;
rand_tape_frag (α:val) (n:option nat) (γ:rand_tape_gname): iProp Σ;
rand_tape_auth (m:gmap val (option nat)) (γ:rand_tape_gname) :iProp Σ;
(* rand_tape_auth (m:gmap val (option nat)) (γ:rand_tape_gname) :iProp Σ; *)
rand_auth (m:option (nat*nat)) (γ:rand_view_gname) : iProp Σ;
rand_frag (res:nat) (tid:nat) (γ:rand_view_gname) : iProp Σ;

(** * General properties of the predicates *)
#[global] rand_tape_frag_timeless α ns γ::
Timeless (rand_tape_frag α ns γ);
#[global] rand_tape_auth_timeless m γ::
Timeless (rand_tape_auth m γ);
(* #[global] rand_tape_auth_timeless m γ:: *)
(* Timeless (rand_tape_auth m γ); *)
#[global] rand_auth_timeless n γ::
Timeless (rand_auth n γ);
#[global] rand_frag_timeless n tid γ::
Expand All @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ Class lazy_rand `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Lazy_Rand
rand_tape_frag α ns γ-∗ rand_tape_frag α ns' γ-∗ False;
(* rand_tape_auth_exclusive m m' γ: *)
(* rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ rand_tape_auth m' γ -∗ False; *)
rand_tape_auth_frag_agree m α ns γ:
rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ rand_tape_frag α ns γ -∗ ⌜m!!α=Some ns⌝;
(* rand_tape_auth_frag_agree m α ns γ: *)
(* rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ rand_tape_frag α ns γ -∗ ⌜m!!α=Some ns⌝; *)

rand_auth_exclusive n n' γ:
rand_auth n γ -∗ rand_auth n' γ -∗ False;
Expand All @@ -63,15 +63,14 @@ Class lazy_rand `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Lazy_Rand

(* rand_tape_auth_alloc m α γ: *)
(* m!!α=None -> rand_tape_auth m γ ==∗ rand_tape_auth (<[α:=[]]> m) γ ∗ rand_tape α [] γ; *)
rand_tape_presample N c P {HP:∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock E m α ε (ε2:fin (S val_size) -> R):
↑(N.@"rand")⊆E ->
rand_tape_presample N c P {HP:∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock E α ε (ε2:fin (S val_size) -> R):
↑(N)⊆E ->
(∀ x, (0 <= ε2 x)%R)->
(SeriesC (λ n : fin (S val_size), 1 / S val_size * ε2 n) <= ε)%R ->
rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗
rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ rand_tape_frag α None γ -∗ ↯ ε -∗
rand_tape_frag α None γ -∗ ↯ ε -∗
state_update E E (∃ n,
↯ (ε2 n) ∗
rand_tape_auth (<[α:=Some (fin_to_nat n)]>m) γ ∗
rand_tape_frag α (Some (fin_to_nat n)) γ);
(* rand_auth_exclusive m m' γ: *)
(* rand_auth m γ -∗ rand_auth m' γ -∗ False; *)
Expand All @@ -83,17 +82,17 @@ Class lazy_rand `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Lazy_Rand
(* m!!k=None -> rand_auth m γ ==∗ (rand_auth (<[k:=v]> m) γ ∗ rand_frag k v γ); *)

lazy_rand_presample N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock Q
E :
↑(N.@"tape") ⊆ E ->
rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗
(∀ m, rand_tape_auth m γ -∗
state_update (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) (E∖↑(N.@"tape"))
(∃ m', rand_tape_auth m' γ ∗ Q m m')
) -∗
state_update E E (
∃ m m', Q m m'
(* lazy_rand_presample N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ γ_view γ_lock Q *)
(* E : *)
(* ↑(N.@"tape") ⊆ E -> *)
(* rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock -∗ *)
(* (∀ m, rand_tape_auth m γ -∗ *)
(* state_update (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) (E∖↑(N.@"tape")) *)
(* (∃ m', rand_tape_auth m' γ ∗ Q m m') *)
(* ) -∗ *)
(* state_update E E ( *)
(* ∃ m m', Q m m' *)
(* ); *)

lazy_rand_init N P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} :
{{{ P None }}}
Expand All @@ -102,21 +101,20 @@ Class lazy_rand `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Lazy_Rand
∃ γ γ_view γ_lock,
rand_inv N c P γ γ_view γ_lock }}};

lazy_rand_alloc_tape N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock Q:
{{{ rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock ∗
(∀ (m:gmap val (option nat)) α, ⌜α∉dom m⌝ -∗ |={⊤∖↑N.@"tape"}=> Q α)
lazy_rand_alloc_tape N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock:
{{{ rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock
allocate_tape #()
{{{ (α: val), RET α; rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape ∗ Q α }}};
{{{ (α: val), RET α; rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape }}};

lazy_rand_spec N c P {HP: ∀ n, Timeless (P n)} γ_tape γ_view γ_lock Q1 Q2 α (tid:nat):
{{{ rand_inv N c P γ_tape γ_view γ_lock ∗
( ∀ n m, P n -∗ rand_auth n γ_view -∗ rand_tape_auth m γ_tape -∗ state_update (⊤∖↑N.@"tape") (⊤∖↑N.@"tape")
( ∀ n, P n -∗ rand_auth n γ_view -∗ state_update (⊤) (⊤)
match n with
| Some (res, tid') => P n ∗ rand_auth n γ_view ∗ rand_tape_auth m γ_tape ∗ Q1 res tid'
| None => ∃ n', rand_tape_frag α (Some n') γ_tape ∗ rand_tape_auth (<[α:=Some n']> m) γ_tape ∗
| Some (res, tid') => P n ∗ rand_auth n γ_view ∗ Q1 res tid'
| None => ∃ n', rand_tape_frag α (Some n') γ_tape ∗
( rand_tape_frag α None γ_tape
={⊤∖↑N.@"tape"}=∗ P (Some (n', tid)) ∗ rand_auth (Some (n', tid)) γ_view ∗ Q2 n' tid)
={⊤}=∗ P (Some (n', tid)) ∗ rand_auth (Some (n', tid)) γ_view ∗ Q2 n' tid)
Expand Down

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