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sketch int walk sampler
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markusdemedeiros committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent b73b6d5 commit e091621
Showing 1 changed file with 225 additions and 110 deletions.
335 changes: 225 additions & 110 deletions theories/examples/approximate_bounded_rejection_sampler.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1034,11 +1034,16 @@ Section incremental_spec.
L : progress bound
Definition incr_sampling_scheme_spec (sampler checker : val) (Ψ : nat -> iProp Σ) (ξ : nat -> nonnegreal) L E : iProp Σ :=
(((€ (ξ 0%nat) ∨ Ψ 0%nat) -∗ WP sampler #() @ E {{ fun s => WP checker (Val s) @ E {{fun v => ⌜v = #true⌝}}}}) ∗
( (* Either 0 credit or 0 progress => we will sample a value which the checker accepts
Allowed to consume (or invalidate Ψ) in this process *)
((€ (ξ 0%nat) ∨ Ψ 0%nat) -∗ WP sampler #() @ E {{ fun s => WP checker (Val s) @ E {{fun v => ⌜v = #true⌝}}}}) ∗
(* Given any amount of credit and progress, we can get a sample such that... *)
□ (∀ i p, (⌜((S p) <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗ € (ξ (S i)) ∗ Ψ (S p)) -∗
WP sampler #() @ E {{ fun s =>
WP checker (Val s) @ E {{fun v => ∃ b: bool, ⌜v = #b⌝}} ∗
((€ (ξ (S i)) ∗ Ψ p) ∨ (∃ p', ⌜(p' <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗ € (ξ i) ∗ Ψ p' ))}}))%I.
(*... we make prgress, and can run the checker on the sample without losing progress, or *)
((€ (ξ (S i)) ∗ Ψ p ∗ (Ψ p -∗ WP checker (Val s) @ E {{fun v => Ψ p ∗ ∃ b: bool, ⌜v = #b⌝}})) ∨
(*... we lose progress & amplify error, and can run the checker on the sample without losing progress. *)
(∃ p', ⌜(p' <= L)%nat ⌝ ∗ € (ξ i) ∗ Ψ p' ∗ (Ψ p' -∗ WP checker (Val s) @ E {{fun v => Ψ p' ∗ ∃ b: bool, ⌜v = #b⌝}})))}}))%I.

Lemma ho_incremental_ubdd_approx_safe (sampler checker : val) Ψ ξ L E i p :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,12 +1083,12 @@ Section incremental_spec.
wp_bind (sampler _).
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[Hamp Hcr HΨ]"); first (iApply "Hamp"; iFrame; eauto).
iIntros (s) "(Hcheck & [(Hcr&HΨ)|[%p'' (%Hp''&Hcr&HΨ)]])".
iIntros (s) "[(Hcr&HΨ&Hcheck)|[%p'' (%Hp''&Hcr&HΨ&Hcheck)]]".
* (* progress *)
wp_bind (checker _).
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "Hcheck").
iIntros (r) "[%b ->]".
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[Hcheck HΨ]"); first (iApply ("Hcheck" with "[$]")).
iIntros (r) "(HΨ&[%b ->])".
destruct b as [|].
-- (* lucky: checker accepts *)
wp_pures. eauto.
Expand All @@ -1093,8 +1098,8 @@ Section incremental_spec.
* (* amplification *)
wp_bind (checker _).
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "Hcheck").
iIntros (r) "[%b ->]".
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[Hcheck HΨ]"); first (iApply ("Hcheck" with "[$]")).
iIntros (r) "(HΨ&[%b ->])".
destruct b as [|].
-- (* lucky: checker accepts *)
wp_pures. eauto.
Expand All @@ -1108,134 +1113,244 @@ End incremental_spec.
Section integer_walk.
(** Random walk: Sampler increments or decrements a value, checker accepts when that value is negative *)

(* This might fit into the higher-order spec, the problem is our error and progress are linked.
We don't really get "excess error" in the same way that we do with eg. WalkSAT. *)

Context `{!ub_clutchGS Σ, cinvG Σ}. (* inG Σ (authR natUR)}. *)

Definition sampler : val :=
Definition int_walk_sampler : val :=
(λ: "l",
if: (rand #1 = #1)
then "l" <- (!"l" - #1%nat)
else "l" <- (!"l" + #1%nat))%V.
then "l" <- (!"l" + #1%nat)
else "l" <- (!"l" - #1%nat))%V.

Definition checker : val :=
Definition int_walk_checker : val :=
(λ: "l", (!"l" < #0))%V.

(** We make progress when we move left. Once we move left enough, the checker will pass. *)
Definition integer_walk_progress l (* γ 𝜄 *) : nat -> iProp Σ :=
fun n => (l ↦ #(n - 2))%I.
(** Credit accounting for the invariant *)

(* cinv 𝜄 γ (∃ (n' : Z), (l ↦ #n' ∗ ⌜(n' + 1 < n)%Z ⌝))%I. *)
Definition L (εᵢ : nonnegreal) : nat := Z.to_nat (up (1 / εᵢ)%R - 1)%Z.

(** We get error when we move right. Once we move right enough, we will have € 1. The amount of
spaces depends on the initial error ε0: we can add ε0 each space we move right. *)
Program Definition integer_walk_error (ε0 : nonnegreal) : nat -> nonnegreal :=
fun i => mknonnegreal (Rmax (1 - i / (nonneg ε0)) 0)%R _.
Next Obligation. intros ? ?. apply Rmax_r. Qed.
Program Definition IC εᵢ : Z -> nonnegreal := fun n => mknonnegreal (Rmax 0 (nonneg εᵢ * IZR (n + 1)%Z))%R _.
Next Obligation. intros; apply Rmax_l. Defined.

(** The worst possible progress we might have during the integer walk. Depends on ε0. *)
(* FIXME: I don't know how to take a ceiling, but this value is ceil (1/ε0) *)
(* In fact... I think this is true for all L? So we can kick that Coq lesson further down the road for now
Definition integer_walk_L (ε0 : nonnegreal) : nat. Admitted. *)
Lemma IC_neg εᵢ : forall (z : Z), (z < 0)%Z -> (nonneg (IC εᵢ z) = 0)%R.
intros. rewrite /IC /=.
apply Rmax_left.
apply Rcomplements.Rmult_le_0_l; [apply cond_nonneg|].
(* true... but how do I do this? *)

Lemma IC_ge_L εᵢ : forall (z : Z), (z >= (L εᵢ))%Z -> (nonneg (IC εᵢ z) >= 1)%R.
intros. rewrite /IC /=.
rewrite Rmax_right; last first.
{ apply Rmult_le_pos; [apply cond_nonneg|].
(* FIXME: *)
rewrite /L in H0.
(* yep *)

(* FIXME: After proving this spec, we also should prove that some setup gets the preconditions we want!
ie. given any €ε, we can allocate the l and such, and get Ψ p and ε i for some p, i *)
Lemma integer_walk_sampling_scheme (l : loc) (* γ 𝜄 *) ε0 L E :
Lemma IC_mean εᵢ : forall (z : Z), (z >= 0)%Z ->
(nonneg (IC εᵢ (z - 1)%Z) + nonneg (IC εᵢ (z + 1)%Z) = 2 * nonneg (IC εᵢ z))%R.
(* It's linear for z ∈ [-1, ∞) *)

(* Credit to amplify within the sequence *)
Definition AC (εᵢ : nonnegreal) (εₐ : posreal) (p : nat) pwf kwf : nonnegreal :=
εR 2 (L εᵢ) p εₐ (mk_fRwf _ _ _ kwf pwf).

Program Definition I (εᵢ : nonnegreal) εₐ (l : loc) kwf : nat -> iProp Σ :=
fun p => (∃ z: Z, l ↦ #z ∗ € (IC εᵢ p) ∗ ⌜(z < p - 1)%Z⌝ ∗ € (AC εᵢ εₐ ((L εᵢ) - p) _ kwf))%I.
Next Obligation. intros. lia. Qed.

(** Credit accounting for the amplifcation *)

Program Definition kwf_L εᵢ (Hεᵢ : (nonneg εᵢ < 1)%R) : kwf 2 (L εᵢ) := mk_kwf _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation. intros; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. rewrite /L. Admitted. (* doable *)

Program Definition Δε (εᵢ : nonnegreal) (εₐ : posreal) kwf : nonnegreal :=
mknonnegreal (εAmp 2 (L εᵢ) εₐ kwf - εₐ)%R _.
Next Obligation. intros. pose P := (εAmp_amplification 2 (L εᵢ) εₐ kwf). lra. Qed.

Lemma Δε_exchange (εᵢ : nonnegreal) (εₐ : posreal) kwf :
€ (εAmp 2 (L εᵢ) εₐ kwf) -∗ (€ (Δε εᵢ εₐ kwf) ∗ € (pos_to_nn εₐ)).
iApply ec_split.
iApply ec_spend_irrel; [|iFrame].
rewrite /Δε /=.

(* This is easy to initialize for sufficiently large i! *)
Program Definition AX (εᵢ : nonnegreal) (εₐ : posreal) kwf : nat -> nonnegreal :=
(fun i => mknonnegreal (Rmax 0 (1 - i * (Δε εᵢ εₐ kwf))%R) _).
Next Obligation. intros; apply Rmax_l. Defined.

(* Error credit distribution at each amplifications step *)

Program Definition integer_walk_distr εᵢ εₐ (p : nat) kwf : fin 2 -> nonnegreal :=
(fun v => if v =? 1
then (εAmp 2 (L εᵢ) εₐ kwf + IC εᵢ (p + 1))%NNR (* moves right; amplification *)
else (AC εᵢ εₐ ((L εᵢ) - (p - 1)) _ kwf + IC εᵢ (p - 1))%NNR (* moves left; progress *)).
Next Obligation. intros. apply PeanoNat.Nat.le_sub_l. Qed.

(* sampler either gives us progress or amplifies our error *)
Lemma wp_sampler_amp εᵢ εₐ l p i kwf E :
⊢ I εᵢ εₐ l kwf (S p) ∗ € (AX εᵢ εₐ kwf (S i)) -∗
WP (int_walk_sampler #l) @ E {{ fun _ => ((I εᵢ εₐ l kwf p ∗ € (AX εᵢ εₐ kwf (S i))) ∨
(I εᵢ εₐ l kwf (S (S p)) ∗ € (AX εᵢ εₐ kwf i)))}}.
iIntros "([%z (Hl & HcrIC & %Hz & HcrAC)] & HcrAX)".
rewrite /int_walk_sampler.
wp_bind (rand _)%E.

(* I think we need a special case for z < 0? *)
wp_apply (wp_couple_rand_adv_comp1 _ _ _ _
((IC εᵢ (S p)) + (AC εᵢ εₐ (L εᵢ - S p) (I_obligation_1 εᵢ (S p)) kwf))%NNR
(integer_walk_distr εᵢ εₐ (S p) kwf) with "[HcrAC HcrIC]").
{ (* Series mean *)
rewrite SeriesC_fin2.
{ (* credit total *)
iApply ec_split; iFrame. }
iIntros (s) "Hcr".
destruct (fin_to_bool s) as [|] eqn:sB; last first.
- assert (Hs : s = 0%fin) by admit. (* FIXME fin 2 nonsense *)
rewrite Hs.
wp_pures; wp_load; wp_pures; wp_store.
iExists _; iFrame.
rewrite /integer_walk_distr /=.
iAssert (€ (AC εᵢ εₐ (L εᵢ - (p - 0)) (integer_walk_distr_obligation_1 εᵢ (S p)) kwf) ∗ € (IC εᵢ (S p - 1)))%I with "[Hcr]" as "[HcrAmp HcrIC]".
{ iApply ec_split; iFrame. }
iSplitL "HcrIC".
{ iApply ec_spend_irrel; [|iFrame]. f_equal. f_equal. lia. }
{ iPureIntro. lia. }
iApply ec_spend_irrel; [|iFrame].
(* some kind of proof irrelevance here, same as the kwf stuff. *)
- assert (Hs : s = 1%fin) by admit. (* FIXME fin 2 nonsense *)
rewrite Hs.
wp_pures; wp_load; wp_pures; wp_store.
(* moved right: amplification *)
rewrite /integer_walk_distr /=.
iAssert (€ (εAmp 2 (L εᵢ) εₐ kwf) ∗ € (IC εᵢ (S p + 1)))%I with "[Hcr]" as "[HcrAmp HcrIC]".
{ iApply ec_split; iFrame. }

assert (HAX: ((AX εᵢ εₐ kwf (S i)) + (Δε εᵢ εₐ kwf) = (AX εᵢ εₐ kwf i))%NNR).
{ Opaque INR.
rewrite /AX.
apply nnreal_ext. simpl.
(* True because (εₐ * k 2 (L εᵢ) kwf - εₐ) > 0*)
iDestruct (Δε_exchange with "HcrAmp") as "(HΔε&Hεₐ)".
rewrite -HAX.

iSplitR "HcrAX HΔε"; [|iApply ec_split; iFrame].
rewrite /I.
iExists _.
iSplitL "HcrIC".
{ iApply ec_spend_irrel; [|iFrame].
simpl; do 3 f_equal.
lia. }
{ iPureIntro. lia. }
iApply ec_spend_le_irrel; [|iFrame].
rewrite /AC.
simpl nonneg.
(* holds because fR is <= 1 *)


(* We can always run the checker with any bound on it's position (with no loss in progress) *)
Lemma wp_checker_triv εᵢ εₐ l kwf E : forall p, I εᵢ εₐ l kwf p -∗ WP int_walk_checker #l @ E {{fun v => I εᵢ εₐ l kwf p ∗ ∃ b: bool, ⌜v = #b⌝}}.
iIntros (p) "[%z (Hl & HcrIC & %Hz & HcrAC)]".
rewrite /int_walk_checker.
wp_pures; wp_load; wp_pures.
- iFrame. eauto.
- eauto.

Lemma integer_walk_sampling_scheme (l : loc) εᵢ εₐ kwf E :
(* ⌜(0 < nonneg ε0)%R ⌝ -∗ *)
(λ: "_", sampler #l)
(λ: "_", checker #l)
(integer_walk_progress l (* γ 𝜄 *) )
(integer_walk_error ε0)
(λ: "_", int_walk_sampler #l)
(λ: "_", int_walk_checker #l)
(I εᵢ εₐ l kwf)
(AX εᵢ εₐ kwf)
(L εᵢ)
(* (↑𝜄). I want to be able to open the invariant, this is a silly way to do that. FIXME: is there a better way? E \ γ? *)
(* iIntros "%Hε0". *)
- (* Spending rules *)
iIntros "[Hcr | ]".
iIntros "[Hcr | [%z (Hl & _ & %Hz & _)]]".
+ (* Credit spending rule *)
wp_apply (wp_ec_spend _ _ _ nnreal_one); simpl; [lra|eauto|].
iApply (ec_spend_irrel with "Hcr").
rewrite /integer_walk_error /=.
rewrite /Rdiv Rmult_0_l Rminus_0_r.
rewrite Rmax_left; lra.
iApply (ec_spend_le_irrel with "Hcr"); simpl.
rewrite Rmult_0_l Rminus_0_r.
apply Rmax_r.
+ (* Progress spending rule *)
rewrite /sampler; wp_pures.
rewrite /int_walk_sampler; wp_pures.
wp_bind (rand _)%E; wp_apply wp_rand; eauto.
iIntros (n) "_"; wp_pures.
case_bool_decide; wp_pures.
(* Unfortunate duplication, but the point is it doens't matter what branch we take here *)
* wp_bind (! _)%E.
rewrite /integer_walk_progress.
rewrite /checker.
iModIntro; iPureIntro; f_equal.
* wp_bind (! _)%E.
rewrite /integer_walk_progress.
rewrite /checker.
iModIntro; iPureIntro; f_equal.
rewrite /int_walk_checker.
(* the rest of the symbolic execution doesn't change depeding on the value. *)
case_bool_decide; repeat (try wp_pures; try wp_load; try wp_store).
* (* l ↦ -3 *)
iModIntro. iPureIntro. f_equal. f_equal.
apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. lia.
* (* l ↦ -1 *)
iModIntro. iPureIntro. f_equal. f_equal.
apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. lia.
- iModIntro.
iIntros (i p) "(%Hp & Hcr & HΨ)".
rewrite /sampler.
wp_bind (rand _)%E.

wp_apply (wp_couple_rand_adv_comp1 _ _ _ _
_ (fun v => if (v =? 1) then (integer_walk_error ε0 (S (S i))) else (integer_walk_error ε0 i)) with "Hcr").
{ Opaque INR.
rewrite SeriesC_fin2 /=.
(* I think this is right? Might need to use L bound... Or possibly improve it. *)
admit. }
iIntros (s) "Hcr".
case_bool_decide as Hs.
+ (* s=1, decrement. This makes progress. *)
(* Same problem with needing to duplicate Ψ! *)
+ (* s=0, increment. This gives error. *)
assert (H1 : s = 0%fin) by admit.
rewrite H1 /=.
iSplitL "HΨ".
* rewrite /checker.
iModIntro; iExists _; eauto.
* iRight.
iExists _.
iSplit; [iPureIntro; eauto|].
iIntros (i p) "(%Hpwf&HcrAX&HI)".
wp_apply (ub_wp_wand with "[HcrAX HI]"); first iApply (wp_sampler_amp with "[$]").
iIntros (s) "[(HI&HAX)|(HI&HAX)]".
+ (* progress *)
iLeft; iFrame.
iIntros "?"; wp_pure.
iApply (wp_checker_triv with "[$]").
+ (* amplification *)
iRight; iFrame.
(* S (S p) may or may not be less than (L εᵢ), but if it isn't, we have € 1. *)
destruct (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ Hpwf) as [Hp|Hp].
* iExists (S (S p)).
iSplitR; [iPureIntro; lia|].
(* dangit we need HΨ again! *)

iIntros "?"; wp_pure.
iApply (wp_checker_triv with "[$]").
* iExFalso.
iDestruct "HI" as "[%z (_& HIC &_&_)]".
assert (Hk : (Z.of_nat (S (L εᵢ)) >= Z.of_nat (L εᵢ))%Z) by lia.
Check (IC_ge_L εᵢ (S (L εᵢ)) Hk).
(* We have an amount of credit greater than or equal to 1, so we conclude *)
End integer_walk.

Expand Down

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