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CPU utilization baseline (without load)

Mohamed Eldafrawi edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

This page will record the CPU utilization (without load) for each official release.

  • Using 3 node kubernetes cluster.
  • Instance specs:
    • 2 vCPU
    • 4 GB RAM

Before installing longhorn

$ kubectl top node

NAME                     CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
controller               131m         6%     1023Mi          26%       
longhorn-01              99m          4%     751Mi           19%       
longhorn-02              68m          3%     776Mi           20%       
longhorn-03              60m          3%     767Mi           19%     

Longhorn installed - without any workload

$ kubectl top node

NAME                     CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
controller               222m         11%    1168Mi          30%       
longhorn-01              221m         11%    810Mi           21%       
longhorn-02              168m         8%     844Mi           21%       
longhorn-03              150m         7%     920Mi           23%       

$ kubectl top pod -n longhorn-system

NAME                                       CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
compatible-csi-attacher-d9fb48bcf-xc4v8    1m           6Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-29chl              1m           5Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-tpgtc              1m           5Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-z28bv              1m           6Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-h5cx5           1m           6Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-p66w8           1m           7Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-z6ktr           1m           6Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cjxtd               1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cq2vz               1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-gtj8p               1m           5Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-b7l6k             2m           1Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-kq64j             2m           12Mi            
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-rrj6b             2m           1Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-vns76             2m           1Mi             
instance-manager-e-b836d04e                3m           5Mi             
instance-manager-e-c877e862                3m           5Mi             
instance-manager-e-d4adc809                4m           4Mi             
instance-manager-e-d51dc74d                4m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-51d35938                3m           4Mi             
instance-manager-r-63e8bca0                3m           4Mi             
instance-manager-r-856b63f0                4m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-9e69b033                5m           4Mi             
longhorn-csi-plugin-27zf8                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-6dd7g                  1m           15Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-8rv7r                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-j6pxg                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-driver-deployer-fdcb6ff55-tgc9j   1m           7Mi             
longhorn-manager-bfxlx                     9m           20Mi            
longhorn-manager-dkzlm                     5m           23Mi            
longhorn-manager-q4522                     4m           23Mi            
longhorn-manager-xtxqp                     2m           20Mi            
longhorn-ui-bc6786d84-v5nq7                0m           2Mi     

Longhorn installed - one volume (detached)

$ kubectl top node

NAME                     CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
controller               236m         11%    1174Mi          30%       
longhorn-01              246m         12%    818Mi           21%       
longhorn-02              177m         8%     850Mi           22%       
longhorn-03              162m         8%     927Mi           24%       

$ kubectl top pod -n longhorn-system

NAME                                       CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
compatible-csi-attacher-d9fb48bcf-xc4v8    1m           7Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-29chl              1m           5Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-tpgtc              1m           5Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-z28bv              1m           7Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-h5cx5           1m           6Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-p66w8           1m           7Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-z6ktr           1m           6Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cjxtd               1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cq2vz               1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-gtj8p               1m           5Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-b7l6k             2m           1Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-kq64j             2m           12Mi            
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-rrj6b             2m           1Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-vns76             3m           1Mi             
instance-manager-e-b836d04e                3m           6Mi             
instance-manager-e-c877e862                4m           6Mi             
instance-manager-e-d4adc809                3m           6Mi             
instance-manager-e-d51dc74d                4m           6Mi             
instance-manager-r-51d35938                4m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-63e8bca0                4m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-856b63f0                4m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-9e69b033                5m           5Mi             
longhorn-csi-plugin-27zf8                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-6dd7g                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-8rv7r                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-j6pxg                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-driver-deployer-fdcb6ff55-tgc9j   1m           7Mi             
longhorn-manager-bfxlx                     3m           21Mi            
longhorn-manager-dkzlm                     2m           23Mi            
longhorn-manager-q4522                     3m           22Mi            
longhorn-manager-xtxqp                     7m           21Mi            
longhorn-ui-bc6786d84-v5nq7                1m           2Mi  

Longhorn installed - one volume (attached)

$ kubectl top node

NAME                     CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
controller               241m         12%    1177Mi          30%       
longhorn-01              215m         10%    819Mi           21%       
longhorn-02              142m         7%     852Mi           22%       
longhorn-03              159m         7%     930Mi           24%       

$ kubectl top pod -n longhorn-system

NAME                                        CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
compatible-csi-attacher-d9fb48bcf-xc4v8    1m           6Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-29chl              1m           4Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-tpgtc              1m           4Mi             
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-z28bv              1m           6Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-h5cx5           1m           5Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-p66w8           1m           6Mi             
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-z6ktr           1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cjxtd               1m           4Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-cq2vz               1m           5Mi             
csi-resizer-586665f745-gtj8p               1m           4Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-b7l6k             2m           1Mi             
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-kq64j             2m           12Mi            
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-rrj6b             2m           14Mi            
engine-image-ei-c2fd0b6c-vns76             4m           1Mi             
instance-manager-e-b836d04e                3m           6Mi             
instance-manager-e-c877e862                6m           12Mi            
instance-manager-e-d4adc809                4m           6Mi             
instance-manager-e-d51dc74d                6m           6Mi             
instance-manager-r-51d35938                3m           5Mi             
instance-manager-r-63e8bca0                5m           16Mi            
instance-manager-r-856b63f0                6m           16Mi            
instance-manager-r-9e69b033                8m           16Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-27zf8                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-6dd7g                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-8rv7r                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-csi-plugin-j6pxg                  1m           14Mi            
longhorn-driver-deployer-fdcb6ff55-tgc9j   1m           7Mi             
longhorn-manager-bfxlx                     8m           21Mi            
longhorn-manager-dkzlm                     5m           23Mi            
longhorn-manager-q4522                     21m          24Mi            
longhorn-manager-xtxqp                     2m           21Mi            
longhorn-ui-bc6786d84-v5nq7                1m           2Mi