Related to migration to bootstrap5
[Work Type] An issue with the program
[Work Type] Refactoring that is mostly developer-facing in nature
Pull requests that update a dependency file
[Audience] Affects engineering/developers only
[Work Type] Requires investigation as to how the bug occurs
[Work Type] Adding new functionality to the platform
[Priority] Affects/effects critical functionality
[Estimated Effort] ~8 days of work
[Project] New or key feature that directly supports MB-AtHome deliverables
[Estimated Effort] ~5 days of work
[Project] New or key feature that supports CRADLE deliverables
[Audience] Participant-facing
[Work Type] Refactoring that is user-facing, affecting latency and/or space complexity
[Audience] Researcher-facing
[Work Type] Lacking specifics regarding feasibility and implementation
[Estimated Effort] ~3 days of work
[Audience] Users of Lookit who are involved in platform management
[Estimated Effort] ~2 weeks of work
[Estimated Effort] ~2 days of work
[Estimated Effort] ~3 weeks of work
[Estimated Effort] ~1 day of work