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📝 Medium Article

For more information about this module, check out this article:

🔗 Requirements

Name Version
terraform >= 1.4.5
aws >= 4.0.0
awscc >= 0.2

➡️ Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
account_id AWS account ID string n/a yes
lambda_code_path Path of the Lambda function code string "" no
lambda_environment_variables A map that defines environment variables for the Lambda Function. map(string) {} no
lambda_handler Handler for the Lambda string "logs_alerts.lambda_handler" no
lambda_runtime Runtime for the Lambda string "python3.8" no
name Name for the ressources string n/a yes
region AWS region (where to deploy everything) string n/a yes
slack_settings Slack channel ID and workplace ID
slack_channel_id : string
slack_workspace_id : string
null no
vpc_security_group_ids List of security group IDs when the function should run in a VPC list(string) null no
vpc_subnet_ids List of subnet IDs when the function should run in a VPC list(string) null no

⬅️ Outputs

Name Description
lambda_arn ARN of the Lambda function (use it with CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filter)
sns_topic_arn ARN of the SNS topic (if you need to setup other notifications than Slack)