Tags: lowRISC/ibex
[rtl] Add 16 external performance counters at mhpmcounter[28:13]
[rtl] Add CLINTx: 32 fast interrupts and custom CSRs + ACK signaling This commit adds 32 non-standard, custom, fast interrupts to Ibex. These interrupts are managed via 3 custom CSRs: `miex`, `mipx` and `mtvecx`. `mtvecx` is initialized just like `mtvec`. Upon handling such a custom interrupt, the core uses two signals (ACK + ID) to inform a possible platform-level interrupt controller accordingly. The purpose of adding these non-standard interrupts is to have an interrupt framework compatible with RI5CY/CV32E40P for platforms that can use the two cores interchangeably (PULP/PULPissmio). Signed-off-by: Pirmin Vogel <vogelpi@lowrisc.org>
Tracing: Wrap fatal error message with `$fatal()` The syntax of this statement is not correct without the `$fatal()` SV construct. This causes errors in some tools even if the error condition is not met.
FIXED: step on a jal instruction (from Olivier Montfort) ra register not update when single step debug #3