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Module hm.applications

API CHANGE: Running applications and app bundles are distinct objects. Edge cases with multiple bundles with the same id are solved.

Run, stop, query and manage applications.


Module hm.applications

Extends <hm#module>

Property (read-only) hm.applications.allBundles: {<#bundle>, ...}

All application bundles in the filesystem.

This property is cached, so it won't reflect changes in the filesystem after the first time it's requested.

Property (read-only) hm.applications.runningApplications: {<#application>, ...}

The currently running GUI applications.

This list only includes applications of <#applicationKind> "standard" and "accessory".

Property (read-only) hm.applications.runningBackgroundApplications: {<#application>, ...}

The currently running background applications.

This list only includes applications of <#applicationKind> "background".

Property hm.applications.activeApplication: <#application>

The active application.

This is the application that currently receives input events.

Property hm.applications.menuBarOwningApplication: <#application>

The application owning the menu bar.

Note that this is not necessarily the same as activeApplication.

Function hm.applications.applicationForPID(pid) -> <#application>

Internal/advanced use only

Function hm.applications.bundlesForBundleID(bid) -> {<#bundle>, ...}

Internal/advanced use only

INTERNAL CHANGE: returns all bundles for a given bundle id

Function hm.applications.bundlesForFile(path,role) -> {<#bundle>, ...}

Internal/advanced use only

  • path: <?>

  • role: <?>

  • Returns {<#bundle>, ...}:

Function hm.applications.bundlesForURL(url) -> {<#bundle>, ...}

Internal/advanced use only

Function hm.applications.defaultBundleForBundleID(bid) -> <#bundle>

Internal/advanced use only

Function hm.applications.defaultBundleForFile(path,role) -> <#bundle>

Internal/advanced use only

Function hm.applications.defaultBundleForURL(url) -> <#bundle>

Internal/advanced use only

Function hm.applications.findBundle(hint,ignoreCase)

  • hint: <?>
  • ignoreCase: <?>

Function hm.applications.getBundle(bid)

  • bid: <?>

Function hm.applications.launchOrFocus(name)

  • name: <?>

Function hm.applications.launchOrFocusByBundleID(bid)

  • bid: <?>

Function hm.applications.newWatcher(fn,data,events,name) -> <#watcher>

Internal/advanced use only

Creates a new watcher for application events.

Class application

Extends <hm#module.object>

Defines type checker hm.applications#application application

Type for running application objects.

Property (read-only) <#application>.bundle: <#bundle>

The application bundle.

If the application does not have a bundle structure, this property is nil.

Property (read-only) <#application>.bundleID: <#string>

The application bundle identifier.

This is a shortcut for

Property (read-only) <#application>.kind: <#applicationKind>

The application's kind.

Property (read-only) <#application>.launchTime: <#number>

The absolute time when the application was launched.

Property (read-only) <#application>.name: <#string>

The application name.

Property (read-only) <#application>.ownsMenuBar: <#boolean>

Whether this application currently owns the menu bar.

Property (read-only) <#application>.path: <#string>

The application bundle's path.

This is a shortcut for app.bundle.path.

Property (read-only) <#application>.pid: <#number>

The application process identifier.

Property (read-only) <#application>.visibleWindows: {<>, ...}

The application's visible windows (not minimized).

When the application is hidden this property is an empty list.

Property (read-only) <#application>.windows: {<>, ...}

INTERNAL CHANGE: the ad-hoc filtering is done here at the source rather than downstream in

The application's windows.

Property <#application>.active: <#boolean>

Whether this is the active application.

The active application is the one currently receiving input events.

Property <#application>.focusedWindow: <>

The application's focused window.

Property <#application>.hidden: <#boolean>

Whether the application is currently hidden.

Property <#application>.mainWindow: <>

Internal/advanced use only

The application's main window.

Property <#application>.running: <#boolean>

Whether the application is currently running.

This property can be set to false to terminate the application.

Method <#application>:activate() -> self

Makes this the active application.

Method <#application>:bringToFront() -> self

Activates this application and puts all its windows on top of other windows.

Method <#application>:forceQuit(gracePeriod) -> self

Force quits the application.

  • gracePeriod: <#number> (optional) number of seconds to wait for the app to quit normally before forcequitting; pass 0 to force quit immediately. If omitted defaults to 10.

  • Returns self: <#application>

Method <#application>:hide() -> self

Hides the application.

Method <#application>:quit() -> self

Quits the application.

Method <#application>:unhide() -> self

Unhides the application.

Class bundle

Extends <hm#module.object>

Defines type checker hm.applications#bundle appBundle

Type for application bundle objects.

Property (read-only) <#bundle>.appName: <#string>

The name of the bundled application.

Property (read-only) <#bundle>.application: <#application>

The application object for this bundle.

If this app bundle isn't currently running, this property is nil.

Property (read-only) <#bundle>.id: <#string>

The bundle ID.

Property (read-only) <#bundle>.name: <#string>

The name of the bundle on the filesystem.

Property (read-only) <#bundle>.path: <#string>

The bundle full path.

Method <#bundle>:launch() -> <#application>

Launches this bundle.

  • Returns <#application>: the running application object for this bundle

Class watcher

Extends <hm#module.object>

Internal/advanced use only

Defines type checker hm.applications#watcher

Type for application watcher objects.

Property <#watcher>.active: <#boolean>

Whether this watcher is currently active.

Method <#watcher>:start(events,fn,data) -> self

Starts the watcher.

Method <#watcher>:stop() -> self

Stops the watcher.

Type applicationKind

Extends <#string>

A string describing an application's kind.

Valid values are:

  • "standard": the application has a main window, a menu bar, and (usually) appears in the Dock
  • "accessory": the application has a transient user interface (for example a menulet)
  • "background": the application does not have any user interface (for example daemons and helpers)

Type bundleRole

Extends <#string>

Defines type checker hm.applications#bundleRole

The required role for finding app bundles.

Valid values are "viewer", "editor", "all" or nil (same as "all")

Type eventName

Extends <#string>

Internal/advanced use only

Defines type checker hm.applications#eventName

Application event name.

Valid values are "launching", "launched", "activated", "deactivated", "hidden", "unhidden", "terminated".

Function prototype watcherCallback(application,event,data)

Internal/advanced use only

Callback for application watchers.