Welcome to LBE-LP 2018. LBE stands for Laboratorium Based Education, and it's one method to let new aspirational students such as yourself to explore and hopefully, contribute to labs at Informatics Department ITS
- It's an opportunity to grow.
- Gain experience with practical lessons.
- Learn the culture of Laboratoriums at Informatics Department ITS.
- Tools for communication and regeneration.
- Git
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- PHP, Laravel
- Line Bot
- Introduction
- Topic Selection
- Git
- Web
- Javascript
- Database
- Self-learning
- Self-learning
- Progress Demo
- Finishing Touch
- Final Demo
Choose your own difficulty, but be as realistic as possible.
- Personal CV
- Blog
- Web Games
- Restaurant Review
- Hotel and Flight Booking
- Online Shop
- Social Media
- Line Chat Bot
Create a markdown document to describe your project in great details.