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A template for a MySQL > Java Spring > Angular web app.

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This is a boilerplate/template project for a RESTfull implementation of any Angular app. The goal of the project is to:

  • Highlight techniques of making and securing a RESTfull app using SpringBoot 2.2+
  • How to consume a RESTfull service and make an HTML5 based Single Page App using Angular 8+


Ensure you have this installed before use:

  • Java 11
  • Maven 3.6.0
  • Node v10.16.3
  • npm 6.12
  • Angular-cli 8.3.13
  • MySQL, Connector/J & Community Server

Getting Started

Navigate to where you want your project to be contained.

git clone
cd angular-spring/angular
npm install             # Install javascript package requirements
ng build                # Build the Angular Frontend  
cd ../spring    
mvn spring-boot:run     # Build and run Spring Boot Backend


git clone
scripts/ (build_angular.bat if on windows)
script/ (deploy_spring.bat if on windows)

Serving from Tomcat

Check this file for details pertaining to accessing Tomcat (on port 8080) from the Webpack Server (on port 4200). This template defaults to redirecting http calls under the directory /api/* to localhost:8080.


Version 1

Generally, when working without Spring Security you can serve the front end and the backend developer servers at the same time.

In one terminal call: scripts/ or scripts/deploy_angular.bat if on Windows and then in another: scripts/deploy_spring.shor scripts/deploy_spring.bat

Use: http://localhost:4200.

Version 2

However, when working with Spring Security (or you have some other reason to use the backend to serve your static files) you can build the frontend and then serve the backend developer server. Supply ng build with the --watch argument allows for node to rebuild upon noticing changes in the frontend, effectively giving the same outcome.

In one terminal call: scripts/ or scripts/build_angular_watch.bat if on Windows and then in another: scripts/ or scripts/deploy_spring.bat

Use: http://localhost:8080.

Technology Stack

Component Technology Server
Frontend Angular 8
Backend (REST) SpringBoot 2.2.0 (Java) Embedded Tomcat Server
Database MySQL Community Server
Security Spring Security
Persistence JPA (Using Spring Data)
Client Build Tools angular-cli, Webpack, npm webpack-dev-server
Server Build Tools Maven(Java)

Folder Structure

│  └──[sql]
│  └──[bash]                           #Linux or MacOS
│  │  └──deploy.cfg                    #If changing module names, update variables in this file.
│  └──[batch]                          #Windows OS
│     └──deploy.cfg                    # Same as above.
│  │  package.json
│  │  angular-cli.json                 #ng build configurations
│  │  package.json
│  └──[src]                            #Frontend source files
│  └──[dist]                           #Frontend build files, auto-created after running angular build: ng -build
   │                          #Resources for Spring Boot
   │  pom.xml
   │  mvnw                             #Maven compiliation for Linux Bash
   │  mvnw.cmd                         # '' for Windows environment
   │  └──[main]
   │     └──[java]
   │     └──[resources]
   │        │  #Contains Spring Boot cofigurations
   │        └──[static]
   │        └──[templates]
   └──[target]                         #Java build files, auto-created after running java build: mvn install

Other Resources

See for helpful documentation regarding Spring Boot and for important commands and documentation relating to Angular and its embedded server.

  • I used to generate this gitignore file but otherwise used predefined defaults.
  • LiveReload and your browser of choice.
