Final Project for EC552
dSign is locally run software for designing an encrypted DNA signature. This web-based software allows for secure sharing and allows you to place your signature in any sequence you input. The software is designed with the intention of being open source and of accessing a remote database. However, due to the developers' limited resources we currently are not hosting a remote database. So, to utilize dSign's features follow to Installation Instructions to run the software locally. And then follow the webpage Instructions to generate encrypted signatures and sequences.
- clone the reponsitory on your machine:
git clone
- Install XAMPP and run the Apache and SQL servers. Installation: After installation, find the xampp program file and the xampp-control application. The correct servers will run if your control panel looks like this:
- Navigate to: http://localhost/dSign/
*** If the installation doesn't work make sure you have python installed on your laptop and that you have the following modules installed***
Necessary python modules:
Use pip to install the following libraries:
- Register as a user on the software - username can be anything but password must be 10 characters long. (E.g. @rTW1nR56g or RTerTFWoOP)
- Login with your login details.
- Click "Signature" in Navigation bar to enter personal information for composing the unique signature. This encrypted signature will be displayed on the Profile.
- Once you see the signature displayed, add new sequences using "Add Sequence" button.
- On your Profile page, View, Send, Export, or Delete your sequences using the respective buttons.
- If Exporting, the JSON file will be available as seq#.json in your local "project" folder.
- If Sending, the datacode.key and public.key files will be in your local "project" folder. To have guests access the sequence, send them both files.
- If you are a guest, upload both datacode.key and public.key files to "Guest Login" page accessed on Home or Guest at Navigation bar.
Aurelia Leona - Encryption (Back-end)
Laura Raiff - Database and linking web-pages (Back-end and Front-end)
Sally Shin - Webpage design (front-end)
Zenia Valdiviezo - Primer information output, Presentation, Demo, Report leader