An emacs package that fetches realtime NBA stats within Emacs. does not have a public API for fetching realtime stats, and is pretty challenging to scrape but with a-little bit of snooping through the websites' XMLHttpRequest I found their call to the internal API.
- Include nba-stats.el in your .emacs.
- Run M-x nba-scores, then enter desired date for scores (YYYYMMDD)
- Run M-x nba-daily-player to fetch daily player leaderboards
- Run M-x nba-daily-team to fetch daily team leaderboards
- Run M-x nba-season-player to fetch season player leaderboards
- Run M-x nba-season-team to fetch season team leaderboards
Depends on request.el & json.el
Clone and require nba-stats.el in your .emacs
- Fetching individual player/team stats given the player/team name
Feel free to contribute to the project!
- Lester Ramos - Initial work - lramo062
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- Those who contribute to request.el & json.el documentation
- Those who contribute to ELisp documentation