This project automates ethical reasoning using Carmo and Jones' Dyadic Deontic Logic, Benzmueller, Farjami, and Parent's Isabelle framework, and Kant's ethical theory. From a bird's eye view, the strategy is to formalize ethics using deontic logic, implement the deontic logic in the Isabelle theorem prover, and use Isabelle's automated reasoning tools to prove facts about the logic, thus automating ethical reasoning. The completed version of the project includes an implemented formalization of the categorical imperative, a variety of tests evaluating these formalizations, and examples of concrete ethical reasoning performed using these formalizations. All reasoning is automated using Isabelle and a meta-goal of the project is to demonstrate the power of automated theorem provers in performing ethical reasoning and helping philosophers evaluate ethical theories. Preprint of the paper is
The root directory contains development versions of my Isabelle theories, in files ending in *.thy
. The directory paper/
contains cleaned up versions of these theories, which can be compiled. The compiled version
of my senior thesis is here.
Files beginning in thesis_
are included in the final draft of my senior thesis. File thesis_*_[name].thy
will contain
source code for chapter * of the thesis. Everything else is developement work.
To get started, check out my recreation of Benzmueller, Farjami, and Parent's implementation of DDL in Isabelle in
. Necessarily logical background and my formalization of the FUL are in thesis_3_methods.thy
In thesis_4_applications.thy
, I present examples of extended ethical reasoning (e.g., teling jokes is permissible) and
my testing framework. For the development version of my implementation of Kroy's formalization, see paper32.thy
. For
the final version, see appendix.thy
To run the code, download the repo and open it in JEdit. To compile it, run isabelle build -D .
from the repo root. The compiled PDF will
be in paper/output/
and the tex files will be in paper/output/document