Simple game created during flights to Italy and back
This game was created to resemble an old-school Nokia Snake Game that we all remember and like. Players can choose one of three speed levels (from turtle-like to cheetah-like). Our snake has to eat food particles appearing in random areas of the screen. The more it eats, the longer and harder to manouver it becomes! Eating a single food particle means adding 7 points to the score. In addition, every five foods eaten, a special food worth 40 points appears on the screen. How to play?
- control the snake using arrow keys
- if the snake touches any of the walls - game over
- if the snake eats itself - game over
- if you want to make a quick, ninety degree turn (by pressing for example arrow up and left) - do not press them simultanously! There must be a small break between pressing these two keys to make it work. That's the hardest part and that's what this game is all about - fast fingers :)
- Vue 2.5.11
- axios 0.19.0
- vuex 3.1.1
Go on and play it!
Feel free to email me: [email protected]