(c) FABU America Inc. This is emulator to give a one-to-one hardware output for the hardware accelerator. Framework organization is inspired from the open source implementation of Faster-RCNN from here. The framework internally uses Tensorflow to do major portion of the computations and then converts the results to a format similar to the hardware output.
- Python 2.7.15 (recommended: Anaconda)
- Python packages like:
etc... - Tensorflow.
- PVANet Obstacle network support
- PVANet Traffic Light network support
- Traffic Lane network support
- New Layers for SoC (Deconv, Upsampling, etc)
- Proposal Layer similar to hardware
- Post processing API to visualize the RTL output
- Support for multi-size images
- more hacks :-D
|-- data
|-- ob
|-- raw
|-- Images ...
|-- ref_data_from_caffe
|-- blobs_obstacle_006.cpk
|-- pre_obstacle_006.cpk
|-- tl
|-- Images ...
|-- lib
|-- __init__.py
|-- Makefile
|-- make.sh
|-- setup.py
|-- networks
|-- __init__.py
|-- factory.py
|-- network.py
|-- pvanet_ob.py
|-- pvanet_tl.py
|-- fast_rcnn
|-- __init__.py
|-- bbox_transform.py
|-- config.py
|-- nms_wrapper.py
|-- test.py
|-- lp
|-- __init__.py
|-- lp_op.cc
|-- lp_op.py
|-- lp_op_test.py
|-- lp.so
|-- make_ref_hw.sh
|-- nms
|-- __init__.py
|-- cpu_nms.c
|-- cpu_nms.pyx
|-- cpu_nms.so
|-- gpu_nms.hpp
|-- gpu_nms.pyx
|-- nms_kernel.cu
|-- py_cpu_nms.py
|-- pucocotools
|-- roi_pooling_layer
|-- __init__.py
|-- roi_pooling_op.cc
|-- roi_pooling_op_gpu.h
|-- roi_pooling_op_grad.pyc
|-- roi_pooling_op.pyc
|-- roi_pooling.so
|-- roi_pooling_op_gpu.cu.cc
|-- roi_pooling_op_grad.py
|-- roi_pooling_op.py
|-- roi_pooling_op_test.py
|-- rpn_msr
|-- generate_anchors.py
|-- generate.py
|-- __init__.py
|-- nms_hw.py
|-- proposal_layer_tf.py
|-- sqrootLookUp.py
|-- utils
|-- bbox.c
|-- blob.py
|-- box_grid.py
|-- cython_bbox.so
|-- fixed_point.py
|-- __init__.py
|-- nms.c
|-- timer.py
|-- bbox.pyx
|-- cython_nms.so
|-- nms.py
|-- nms.pyx
|-- models
|-- demo.py
|-- _init_paths.py
|-- pvatest.py
|-- refModel.py
|-- README.md
- Load appropriate python module:
module unload python module load python\2.7.15
cd $cnn_emu
python refModel --network pvanet_ob --hw_sim 1 --image 000.jpg --resolution_mode 0
- Run python refModel (with net and other parameters)
- run in command prompt to launch tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir=output
- open browser and go to http://decacs1:6006
- Enjoy :-D