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The best way to tail AWS Cloudwatch Logs from your terminal.

Author - Luca Grulla -

Commands and flags

Global flags

  • -p, --profile=profile-name Override the AWS profile used for connection
  • -r, --region=aws-region Override the target AWS region


  • cw ls list all the log groups/log streams within a group
    usage: cw ls <command> [<args> ...]
    Show an entity
        --help             Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
    -p, --profile=PROFILE  The target AWS profile. By default cw will use the default profile defined in the .aws/credentials file.
    -r, --region=REGION    The target AWS region.. By default cw will use the default region defined in the .aws/credentials file.
        --version          Show application version.
    ls groups
        Show all groups.
    ls streams <group>
        Show all streams in a given log group.
  • cw tail tail a given log group/log stream
        usage: cw tail [<flags>] <group> [<stream>] [<start>] [<end>]
        Tail a log group.
            --help             Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
        -p, --profile=PROFILE  The target AWS profile. By default cw will use the default profile defined in the .aws/credentials file.
        -r, --region=REGION    The target AWS region.. By default cw will use the default region defined in the .aws/credentials file.
            --version          Show application version.
        -f, --follow           Don't stop when the end of stream is reached, but rather wait for additional data to be appended.
        -t, --timestamp        Print the event timestamp.
        -i, --event Id         Print the event Id
        -s, --stream name      Print the log stream name this event belongs to.
        -g, --grep=""          Pattern to filter logs by. See for syntax.
        -v, --grepv=""         equivalent of grep --invert-match. Invert match pattern to filter logs by.
        <group>     The log group name.
        [<stream>]  The log stream name. Use \* for tail all the group streams.
        [<start>]   The UTC start time. Passed as either date/time or human-friendly format. The human-friendly format accepts the number of hours and minutes prior to the present. Denote hours with 'h' and
                    minutes with 'm' i.e. 80m, 4h30m. If time is passed (format: hh[:mm]) it is expanded to today at the given time. Full available date/time format: 2017-02-27[T09:00[:00]].
        [<end>]     The UTC start time. Passed as either date/time or human-friendly format. The human-friendly format accepts the number of hours and minutes prior to the present. Denote hours with 'h' and
                    minutes with 'm' i.e. 80m, 4h30m. If time is passed (format: hh[:mm]) it is expanded to today at the given time. Full available date/time format: 2017-02-27[T09:00[:00]]


  • list of the available log groups
    • cw ls groups
  • list of the log streams in a given log group
    • cw ls streams my-log-group
  • tail and follow a given log group/stream
    • cw tail -f my-log-group
    • cw tail -f my-log-group my-log-stream-prefix
    • cw tail -f my-log-group my-log-stream-prefix 2017-01-01T08:10:10 2017-01-01T08:05:00
    • cw tail -f my-log-group my-log-stream-prefix 3h to start from 3 hours ago.
    • cw tail -f my-log-group my-log-stream-prefix 100m to start from 100 minutes ago.
    • cw tail -f my-log-group my-log-stream-prefix 2h:30m to start from 2 hours and 30 minutes ago.
    • cw tail -f my-log-group \* 9:00 9:01 The use of the * wildchar will let you tail all the log streams in my-log-group.

Time and dates are always treated in UTC.

AWS credentials and configuration

cw uses the default credentials profile (stored in ./aws/credentials) for authentication and shared config (.aws/config) for identifying the target AWS region. Both profile and region are overridable with the profile and region global flags.


On Mac OSX:

  • brew tap lucagrulla/cw
  • brew install cw

Using go tools:

go get