PV monitoring via autonomous UAV
This repository contains the Goal 4.0 application, available for the aircraft DJI Matrice 210 V2 and DJI Matrice 300 equipped with a Manifold 2G or Manifold 2C.
In this repository it is described how to install and to run the available code on the Manifold 2 to use only in real tests. If you need the Ros Simulation pluging to test the software on DJI based simulation, please download the code from this repository USE in Simulation.
The paper referred to this repository can be found at this link paper. Please cite if using the code for your application.
- Navigate to DJI Official page and istall the DJI OSDK and the DJI ROS OSDK.
- Install ROS kinetic if required from Install ROS
- In the catkin workspace where the DJI ROS OSDK is installed, download this repo via the command
- Create a catkin workspace following the instruction in Create ROS Workspace
- Download this repository in the src folder via the command:
$ git clone https://github.com/lucamorando95/Goal_4.0.git
- Navigate to the root of the created ROS workspace and type:
$ catkin_make
Setup phase
- To launch remotely the script an additional PC is required, connected to the Manifold via ssh.
- Add these lines on the Manifold .bashrc:
export ROS_IP=ip_manifold
export ROS_HOSTNAME=ip_manifold
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ip_manifold:11311/
Launch script The launch of the all scripts is completely managed by the file ...sh.
- Make sure the Manifold and the Remote PC are connected via Wi-Fi Network.
- Open the folder inside the Remote PC were the file launch_solar_project.sh is contained.
- Open a terminal inside the folder. (click with right key on the mouse)
- Launch the file typing in the new terminal:
- type chmod +x launch_solar_project.sh [press start]
- type ./launch_solar_project.sh [press start]
Follow the Procedure suggested by the terminal and type yes or no for each selection. The terminal provide to you a connection with the Manifold and it launch the desired script.
The automatic script launch if desired all the scripts that permits to safely fligth the UAV in a real environment.
The script "launch_solar_flight.sh" launch the following files:
- Run the DJI OSDK ROS:
roslaunch dji_osdk_ros dji_osdk_node.launch
- Run the flight control script and the keyboard record script:
roslaunch solar_project solar_flight_control.launch
- Start the main camera stream:
rosrun solar_project start_camera_stream
- Start the RGB acquisition image node:
roslaunch solar_project RGB_visual_ros_sim_reordered.launch
- Start the Thermo acquisition image node:
roslaunch solar_project termo_cluster_regression_reorganized
- If the velocity control is used:
rosrun solar_project select_desired_velocity
- Start the camera photo shooting task:
rosrun solar_project take_overlapped_photos
- Start the Optimization task (if desired):
rosrun solar_project parameters_optimization_task_matrice
- If the optimization task is launched on manifold, launch the image optimized visualizer script on the external PC:
rosrun solar_panel_project optimization_images_visualizer
Once the optimization is completed the script required the user intervention to select the desired image. The User has to type 1 or 2 inside the RGB and Thermal bash.
!!!!! NOTE If you want to use the NN script instead of the parameter one on the thermal images you have to do:
- Type NO when the automatic script suggest to launch the thermal detection node.
- If you commit a mistake and you type YES: 1) Don't insert the password in the new terminal 2) Type Yes when it asks if the script is correctly launched
In this way the NN detection script is automatically selected.
If the NN detection script does not start properly:
- Open a terminal manually on the external PC
- Connect to the Manifold via ssh dji@
cd ..
cd dji_ws/devel/lib/solar_project
screen -S NN
./make_mask config.json
This sequence launches the scripts for the detection via the NN.
In order to use the detected images is required to launch another script:
cd ..
screen -S NN_det
roslaunch solar_project termo_cluster_NN.launch
!! In the current setup the video camera feed from the drone cameras is available on the remote workstation ONLY if the system is launched with the following procedure.
HOW To Launch The Script Manually for Real Flights
- Launch the SDK Node:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S sdk
roslaunch dji_osdk_ros dji_sdk_node.launch
2)Launch the Camera:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S camera
rosrun solar_project start_camera_stream
- Launch the Control:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S control
roslaunch solar_project solar_fligth_control.launch
- Launch the RGB Detection:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S RGB
roslaunch solar_project RGB_visual_ros_sim_reordered.launch
If you want 5) Launch the Thermal Detection:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S thermo
roslaunch solar_project termo_cluster_regression_reorganized.launch
If you want 5) Launch the NN Thermal Detection:
cd ..
cd dji_ws/devel/lib/solar_project
screen -S NN
./make_mask config.json
This sequence launch the script for the detection via the NN.
In order to use the detected images is required to launch another script:
cd ..
screen -S NN_det
roslaunch solar_project termo_cluster_NN.launch
- Launch the Velocity Control
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S vel
rosrun solar_project select_desired_vel.py
- Launch the camera Photo Mission. ! Every time you launch it you have to clear the sd card or to check the number of the last photos
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -S photo
roslaunch solar_project camera_photo_mission.launch
To stop the execution of one terminal press: CTRL+C
The screen commands avoid the drone to stop during a flight when it loses the connection signal from the Long Range Antenna. It is required to launch it only once: Example: It is not required to activate another screen session is the running script on the terminal is only killed with CTRL+C. The screen session need to be relaunched only of the bash is closed. At the next connection you need to quit from any possible active Screen Sessions, typing:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
screen -ls
Quit From each screen session typing
screen -XS <screen session> quit
Parameters to be set before launching the application
In /src/solar_project/config are present all the configuration files, which defines various functionalities of the software.
- To Use the Desired Velocity and the single Array mode:
- In solar_flight_params.yaml (only some parameters are described here, see the comments in the file for additional information):
enable_velocity_navigation_control_flag: true // Velocity control enabled, if not the predictive control based on carrot chasing is used
enable_take_off: false //If true, the take off is autonomous, then the UAV navigates in autonomous MODE until the first waypoints where it starts the mission.
desired_waiting_KF_init_it: waiting_iteration //select the number of iteration required to initialize the KF
control_altitude_on_heigth_sensor: false //USE ONLY UNDER 7 METERS OF HEIGHT --> DANGEROUS
Detection_param_Optimization_enabled: false //If true, setup the code to wait the optimization results before the KF initialization.
use_only_two_fixed_waypoints_for_a_single_array_inspection: true //Create a barrier knowing only two waypoints
simulation_mode: false
- In RGB_detection_params.yaml:
Matrice: False //Keep it False
parameters_optimization: False //If True the script wait the results of the optimization task and the ask teh user to select the desired image typing 1 or 2 on the keyboard
XT2_FOV: [45, 37] #Field of vuew of the XT2 camera
focus_image: True
//HSV parameters to be set, reading related paper
H_MIN: 90
S_MIN: 30
V_MIN: 10
H_MAX: 255
S_MAX: 180
V_MAX: 220
simulation_mode_enabled: False #True if the Matrice is connected to DJI Assistant
- In THERMO_detection_params.yaml:
// Parameters to be set by the user --> read paper
th_2: 8 #6 #Distance Matrix Ra
th_3: 5000 #Minimum Area Value
th_4: 0.05 #ApproxPolyDp Value
parameters_optimization_enabled: False //If True the script wait the results of the optimization task and the ask teh user to select the desired image typing 1 or 2 on the keyboard
- Camera_mission_params.yaml:
//XT2 field of view
XT2_FOV_angle_1: 45
XT2_FOV_angle_2: 37
// Desired Overla between photo
Overlap: 80
Mission_enabled: true //If the task is active
- To Use the Desired Velocity and the Four Arrays Mode:
- In solar_flight_params.yaml (only some parameters are described here, see the comments in the file for additional information):
enable_velocity_navigation_control_flag: true // Velocity control enabled, if not the predictive control based on carrot chasing is used
enable_take_off: false //If true, the take of is autonomous, then the UAV navigates automatically to the first waypoints and it starts the mission.
desired_waiting_KF_init_it: waiting_iteration //select the number of iteration required to initialize the KF
control_altitude_on_heigth_sensor: false //USE ONLY UNDER 7 METERS OF HEIGTH --> DANGEROUS
Detection_param_Optimization_enabled: false //If true, setup the code to wait the optimization results before the KF initialization.
use_only_two_fixed_waypoints_for_a_single_array_inspection: false //Create a barrier knowing only two waypoints
autonomous_mission_with_manual_take_off: true
- In RGB_detection_params.yaml:
Matrice: False //Keep it False
parameters_optimization: False //If True the script wait the results of the optimization task and the ask teh user to select the desired image typing 1 or 2 on the keyboard
XT2_FOV: [45, 37] #Field of vuew of the XT2 camera
focus_image: True
//HSV parameters to be set, reading related paper
H_MIN: 90
S_MIN: 30
V_MIN: 10
H_MAX: 255
S_MAX: 180
V_MAX: 220
simulation_mode_enabled: False #True if the Matrice is connected to DJI Assistant
- In THERMO_detection_params.yaml:
// Parameters to be set by the user --> read paper
th_2: 8 #6 #Distance Matrix Ra
th_3: 5000 #Minimum Area Value
th_4: 0.05 #ApproxPolyDp Value
parameters_optimization_enabled: False //If True the script wait the results of the optimization task and the ask teh user to select the desired image typing 1 or 2 on the keyboard
How to Setup The Parameters for the first fligth: Before the first fligth of the day may be required to set up the perception parameters inside the config file RGB_detection_params.yaml and THERMO_detection_params.yaml.
- Connect the Manifold and the external computer to the JPANTENNA
- Open a bash and write:
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
The password is dji 4) Launch the ROS master on the manifold
roslaunch dji_osdk_ros dji_sdk_node.launch
- On the external computer open a bash and check if it is possible to see all the topic published by the drone.
rostopic list
- On the external PC open another bash and launch the RGB detection node
ssh dji@<ip_manifold>
roslaunch solar_project RGB_visual_ros_sim_reordered.launch
- On the external PC subscribe to the topic /camera_vision_RGB_output visualizing the images
rosrun image_view image_view image:/camera_vision_RGB_output
rosrun image_view image_view image:/OVTA_DEBUG_HSV_image
With the first command the video feed from the RGB camera is visualized, with the green rectangle around the array if correctly detected. The second streaming visualize the same image but in the HSV domain.
A range is required to correctly config the perception. Check the max value in the brighets area in the array image and the min value in the darkest area.
------ Example of Correctly defined Parameters: 5 August: H_MIN: 90 S_MIN: 80 V_MIN: 10
H_MAX: 140 S_MAX: 170 V_MAX: 130
29 October: H_MIN: 0 S_MIN: 10 V_MIN: 120
H_MAX: 180 S_MAX: 140 V_MAX: 255
12 Novemeber: H_MIN: 0 S_MIN: 30 V_MIN: 150
H_MAX: 190 S_MAX: 120 V_MAX: 255
General description of the Aircraft behaviour during a flight:
- Complete autonomous an flight: The first and the last waypoints of each inspected PV array must be uploaded to the software expressed in latitude and longitude.
- The drone takes off in a complete autonomous way. It reaches the desired altitude before starting the navigation to the first waypoint.
- The drone initializes the EKF and then it starts the navigation along the PV array.
- The drone changes automatically the PV array once a time the waypoint at the end of the array is reached.
- Autonomous Navigation: Two waypoints separated by a distance equal to the length of a single PV array must be uploaded to the software.
- The drone is manually piloted towards the start position on the PV array to be inspected.
- When the Aircraft is well aligned and the PV array correctly detected, the user has to press a key (the number of the PV array to be inspected) and then to press Enter.
- The drone takes the control, it starts the optimization process (if selected), it initializes the EKF, then it starts the navigation along the PV array at the desired heigth and velocity.
- The velocity could be changed online, typing the float value in the bash where the script select_desired_velocity.py is running.
- When the drone has navigated for a distance equal to the distance between the two given waypoints, it starts to hover in place and release the control to the user.
- The shooting task is automatic managed by the UAV taking into account the heigth, the overlap and the drone velocity.
- The pitch and the yaw of the camera is automatically managed by the UAV.
- The drone starts its inspection only if the user types the number of the PV array that is going to be inspected. (the Number must be typed in the terminal that managed the solar_fligth_control task).
- The drone stops when: i) the end of the PV array is reached, ii) the user presses a key.
If the shooting task is executed, the user can find a file with the information of every single photo taken in the following directory in the Manifold: