Work with multiple Docker images easily.
Sonar is currently Work in Progress!
Sonar is a tool that allows you to easily produce, template, build and publish Dockerfiles and Docker images. It uses a declarative, multi-stage approach to build Docker images.
Sonar can be used as a Python module or as a standalone program. Sonar will look
for an inventory.yaml
file in your local directory that should contain a
collection of images to build and stages for each one of those images. A
different inventory file can be specified using --inventory <file-path>
Sonar comes with an inventory file to be able to build itself, and to run its unit tests. This simple.yaml is:
# start a local registry with:
# docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
registry: localhost:5000
- name: sonar-test-runner
context: .
# First stage builds a Docker image. The resulting image will be
# pushed to the registry in the `output` section.
- name: build-sonar-tester-image
task_type: docker_build
dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile
- registry: $(inputs.params.registry)/sonar-tester-image
tag: $(inputs.params.version_id)
# Second stage pushes the previously built image into a new
# registry.
- name: tag-image
task_type: tag_image
registry: $(stages['build-sonar-tester-image'].output[0].registry)
tag: $(stages['build-sonar-tester-image'].output[0].tag)
- registry: $(inputs.params.registry)/sonar-tester-image
tag: latest
To execute this inventory file, you can do:
$ python --image sonar-test-runner --inventory inventories/simple.yaml
[build-sonar-tester-image/docker_build] stage-started build-sonar-tester-image: 1/2
[build-sonar-tester-image/docker_build] docker-image-push: localhost:5000/sonar-tester-image:8945563b-248e-4c03-bb0a-6cc15cff1a6e
[tag-image/tag_image] stage-started tag-image: 2/2
[tag-image/tag_image] docker-image-push: localhost:5000/sonar-tester-image:latest
At the end of this phase, you'll have a Docker image tagged as
that you will be able to run with:
$ docker run localhost:5000/sonar-tester-image:latest
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.4, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /src
collected 38 items
test/ ... [ 7%]
test/ ......x..... [ 39%]
test/ .. [ 44%]
test/ ........ [ 65%]
test/ . [ 68%]
test/ ........... [ 97%]
test/ . [100%]
======================== 37 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.52s =========================
Sonar is released under the terms of the Apache2 license.