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Banana 1.2.0

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@athana athana released this 31 Dec 14:27
· 650 commits to release since this release

Following release 1.1.0, we have addressed a number of user requests, including:

  1. This release provides panels for representing geo-spatial data—a map module that provides a heat map-style representation based on two-letter country codes or US state codes, and a bettermap module that provides a clustered representation of location (LatLonType) data.
  2. The Table Module now has a Save button that enables you to save to csv, JSON or XML formats so that you can use other tools like MS Excel for further analysis. The number of rows downloaded will be equal to number of “pageable” hits configured in the Paging tab within the Table Panel Configuration Menu (accessed by clicking on the cog wheel icon near the top right of the table panel).
  3. You can now control whether a dashboard can be saved and/or edited from the Editable checkbox in the General tab, and the Controls tab, both within the Dashboard Configurator (accessed from the cog-wheel icon to very top and right of dashboard).
  4. We have added a hits panel that provides you with the number of matching results returned while using the global query parameters. This is useful if you want to make the number prominent or if you are not using the histogram panel prominently.
  5. You can now provide additional Global Query Parameters that apply to all panels of the dashboard from the Solr tab in the Dashboard Configurator. Among other uses, this feature is invaluable for:
  • Specifying a custom query parser (Solr query parameter: &defType) or search handler (&qt)
  • Specifying a user type for use in custom business rules at the Solr server.
  • Specifying default search fields (&df)
  1. We fixed a bug in the values mode within the histogram module, where missing values were previously assumed to be zero. This led to jagged graphs when the “group by” option was used. We no longer set them to zero but rather have the individual lines skip the missing values.
  2. In the Absolute Time and Since modes, the timepicker used to skip back one day if your browser time was behind UTC. This issue has now been fixed.
  3. Banana 1.1 hardcoded certain default search fields (df's) to work with our LogStash output writer. Specifically, it hardcoded a df=message. This means that your old dashboards may not be fetching query results with Banana 1.2.0, though they were doing so with 1.1.0. To fix this, add a Global Query Parameter &df=message (or whatever field you want to search on) within the Dashboard Configurator. Alternately, you can set the default search field in your solrconfig (recommended).