Luigi Bonati, GiovanniMaria Piccini, and Michele Parrinello, arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.03943 (2021).
This repository is kept as supporting material for the manuscript, but it is no longer updated. Check out the mlcolvar library for data-driven CVs, where you can find up-to-date tutorials and examples.
This repository contains input data and code related to the manuscript:
--> input files for the simulations and the CVs trainingmlcvs
--> python package to train the Deep-TICA CVsplumed-libtorch-interface
--> interface to load Pytorch models in PLUMED2 for enhanced samplingtutorial
--> jupyter notebook with tutorial to train the CVs
Due to size limits the outputs trajectories of Chignolin and Silicon simulations are deposited in the Materials Cloud repository.