This is just a program which I made in my class, to simulate a linux Shell;
- help -> It shows a list of built-in commands on standard output;
- sair/exit/quit NUMBER -> It shutdowns the program after X seconds (if you just write "quit", it will be shutdown after 3 seconds;
- cd -> It changes your current directory;
- 42 -> It shows the explanation of number 42;
- sols -> Shows the list of files and folders in the current directory;
- aviso MESSAGE NUMBER -> Shows an warning message after NUMBER seconds;
- avisoth MESSAGE NUMBER -> Shows an warning message after NUMBER seconds (by using threads);
- PS1=NAME -> It changes the default prefix to a word that you want to choose (if you write {default} it will give the default prefix;
- calc NUMBER OP NUMBER -> It calculates an operation between two real numbers;
- bits NUMBER OP NUMBER -> It calculates a binary operation between two integer numbers;
- quemsoueu -> It calls the system("id") function;
- socp FILE1 FILE2 -> It copies the content of FILE1 to FILE2;
- socpth FILE1 FILE2 -> It copies the content of FILE1 to FILE2 (using threads);
- rocket -> It shows a rocket in the standard output (see )
- jpg (or jpeg) FILE1 -> It checks if FILE1 is a JPEG file;
This program also has redirect support for non-builtin commands (e.g: ls), also as Pipe and Backgroud executes support;
Supported Redirects:
- Input (<);
- Append Output (>>);
- Output (>);
- Error Output (2>);