About the project | Technologies | Getting Started | Features | License
This project was developed in Specialization from Rocketseat 🚀
This software a mobile hybrid application, provide a way for the people control your gym exercises.
- React Native - React programming paradigm
- Expo - Framework
- React Hook Form - Form Controller
- React Navigation (v6) - Router
- Axios - HTTP Client
- Gluestack - "Tailwind in RN"
- Lucide - Free Icons
- Yup - Form Validation
- List of exercises for each body part;
- Exercises details;
- Mark exercises as done;
- Exercises history of days;
- User profile;
Install the requirements
Clone Back-End project and access the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/luishng/MisterGym-api.git && cd MisterGym-api
# Install the dependencies
$ npm i
# Start the client
$ npn run start
Let the backend running and use the Mobile Project!
Clone Mobile project and access the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/luishng/MisterGym.git && cd MisterGym
# Install the dependencies
$ npm i
# Start the client
$ expo start
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with 💜 by Luis Henrique 👋 See my linkedin 👷