A landmark is a recognizable natural or artificial feature used for navigation and orientation. This repository collects Wikidata entities that are landmarks for cartographic use.
In sources
create a new TSV file with the first column being the QID of the entity in Wikidata and an optional second column to make it easier to work with the data.
landmark_qid debug_label
Q216344 Arlington National Cemetery
Q54109 United States Capitol
Before you reference a Wikidata entity ensure:
- It has a
coordinate location statement
Create a GeoJSON feature collection.
cat sources/**/*.csv \
| node bin/openlandmarks.js to-wikidata \
| node bin/openlandmarks.js to-geojson \
| node bin/openlandmarks.js to-collection > openlandmarks.geojson
node bin/openlandmarks.js city-collection sources/washington_dc > outputs/washington_dc.geojson