Web-app for taking IT quizzes, hosted on Railway and Neon.
Hobbyist application created to practise Java web development. Simple idea of having private place for taking coding quizzes evolved into public space for variety of IT puzzles topics.
- Demo - Quiz samples of available quizzes (5 questions/no time limits/results and guests are not registered)
- User's registration - personal space with quiz results (authorization and authentication)
- Logged-in users have additional options:
- Quiz attempts are saved with score/time/given answers details
- Time limits both for one question and for whole attempt
- Profile with all registered data
- Selected quizzes (consisting of 20 questions from multiple categories)
- Random quizzes with chosen number of questions and category (created on-the-fly from API)
- Administrators:
- Restricted contents
- Users management (removal/role change)
- Cache statistics
Required: Docker Compose (multi-container setup)
- simply run the app in IDE or CLI from root of the project:
docker compose up
- simply run the app in IDE or CLI from root of the project:
Required: Java17, instance of PostgreSQL database**
start PostgreSQL database, e.g. in docker container:
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
run the app in IDE or CLI from root of the project:
./mvnw clean package
java -jar target/quiz-it-1.0.0.jar
** to use in-memory database instead: add h2 dependency to pom.xml (scope runtime) and replace entries in application.properties by:
- in order for it to work you need to register in external API and insert your key into
[email protected] / Password1
[email protected] / Password1
[email protected] / Password2
- Java 17
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Caffeine cache
- Hibernate
- Thymeleaf
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Lombok
- Jackson
- MapStruct
- JQuery/JS
- Maven
- TestNG
- JUnit
- Google's reCaptcha