The goal of howzatR is to provide useful functions for cricket analysis & exploratory.
You can install a stable version of howzatR using R/Rstudio with:
You can install the development version of howzatR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example how to use the batting functionality:
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Basic Batting dataset
#> Player Inns NO Runs_Scored Balls_Faced
#> 1 A. Green 7 1 140 220
#> 2 B. Brown 8 3 156 100
#> 3 C. Blue 6 0 111 76
## Analysis
bat_df <- bat_raw_df %>%
Outs = Inns - NO,
Average = bat_avg(runs_scored = Runs_Scored, no_dismissals = Outs),
Strike_Rate = bat_sr(runs_scored = Runs_Scored, balls_faced = Balls_Faced)
## Results
#> Player Inns NO Runs_Scored Balls_Faced Outs Average Strike_Rate
#> 1 A. Green 7 1 140 220 6 23.33333 63.63636
#> 2 B. Brown 8 3 156 100 5 31.20000 156.00000
#> 3 C. Blue 6 0 111 76 6 18.50000 146.05263
This is a basic example how to use the bowling functionality
## Basic Bowling dataset
#> Player Balls_Bowled Runs_Conceded Wickets
#> 1 E. Apple 560 235 15
#> 2 F. Pear 754 567 21
#> 3 G. Grape 234 270 7
## Analysis
bowl_df <- bowl_raw_df %>%
Economy_overs = bowl_econ(balls_bowled = Balls_Bowled, runs_conceded = Runs_Conceded, type = "overs"),
Economy_sets = bowl_econ(balls_bowled = Balls_Bowled, runs_conceded = Runs_Conceded, type = "sets"),
Economy_hundred = bowl_econ(balls_bowled = Balls_Bowled, runs_conceded = Runs_Conceded, type = "per_100"),
Average = bowl_avg(runs_conceded = Runs_Conceded, wickets_taken = Wickets),
Strike_Rate = bowl_sr(balls_bowled = Balls_Bowled, wickets_taken = Wickets),
Overs = balls_to_overs(balls = Balls_Bowled)
) %>%
Player, Balls_Bowled, Overs, Runs_Conceded,
Wickets, Economy_overs, Economy_sets, Economy_hundred,
Average, Strike_Rate
## Results
#> Player Balls_Bowled Overs Runs_Conceded Wickets Economy_overs Economy_sets
#> 1 E. Apple 560 93.2 235 15 2.517857 2.098214
#> 2 F. Pear 754 125.4 567 21 4.511936 3.759947
#> 3 G. Grape 234 39.0 270 7 6.923077 5.769231
#> Economy_hundred Average Strike_Rate
#> 1 41.96429 15.66667 37.33333
#> 2 75.19894 27.00000 35.90476
#> 3 115.38462 38.57143 33.42857