Tomedescontos is a promotion aggregator tool which works scrapying all the most famous web forums about promotions in Brazil and offering the best deals to its users.
My friends and I are used to access every single day, more than once, about four or five web forums where people like us, promo junkies, share the best promos of the moment with each other. That's how tomedescontos blew up!
I've built this web tool to make easy our lifes and now we do not need to spend a lot of time jumping from a forum to another one to find what I want to buy because with this website, I can search for all products which I am interested. Moreover, you can create an alert for a specific product, see all details about the product you choose such as: actual price, max price, min price, photo, comments and more.
- AngularJS 1 - Javascript framework.
- Semantic-UI - Front-end framework.
- Gulp - My dear gulp!
- SASS - My sweet SASS!
- Moment - If you need manipulate date and/or time, moment is the man!
- NodeJS - The magician!
- CheerIO - The carpenter!
- Mongoose - Wanna use mongodb in an elegant way?! Mongoose!
- Express - Node's righ-hand!
- MongoDB - The data guardian!
If you wanna have fun improving this project and make a huge community of grasshoppers happy, add me here on github!
- Lucas Lima - lukslimaa
I would like to thank Buscape for providing me an outstanding API which gave me an opportunity to show the min and max prices, and a bunch of other informations really relevant to help us, users, to pick the right promo and make a big deal.
Thanks OneSignal as well for providing us a great push notification cross platform delivery. So, whether you are looking for an efficient way to reach your users through push notifications, please, consider this service.